This time - Project Runway!!
I created the cards... this time I included some information I found on the Lifetime website. Not all the designers had all of the areas, but they all had most.
The cards included name, age, hometown, currently resides, a picture, favorite designers (which doesn't help me considering I don't really know designers), design influence (which is funny to me), Favorite Past Runway designer, Favorite Colors, Favorite Fabrics, Dream Celebrity Client (I'm horrible at remembering celebrity names sometimes), Music on While Designing, and Style Icon (again didn't recognize all of them).
This was particularly hard because we know nothing about these people other than the random information above. This show is also hard b/c you can really see it going a bunch of different ways. It's tough picking someone, and then thinking about how on the show they could be the most annoying thing ever... and then you have to root for them.
To throw another wrench in there, they are bringing back one previous designer for a runway redemption... so one of us had to take a gamble with that person.
It will be interesting to see how everything shakes out... but fun compared to the previous 'draft' since we knew most of those people.
Michelle won the ro-sham-bo match - which sucks only b/c I wanted to leave her with someone she did NOT like b/c I thought it would be funny... that didn't happen though.
Michelle's choices were: Alexandria, Miranda, Sandro, Mystery Redemption Person, Karen, Jeremy, Dom, and Alexander.
Here are mine!
Kahindo (can't even pronounce her name, but liked her profile.

Helen (Gwen Stefani as dream celebrity client - sounds interesting to me!)

Bradon (I like that his favorite past Runway designer was Patricia from last season)

Angela (She likes vintage looks)

Justin (he wants Angelina Jolie as a Dream client and like Mondo as a past Runway designer)

Sue (She likes Gunmetal grey)

Ken (He likes neoprene, wool, and spandex... seems interesting... and Beyonce)

Timothy (this is who Michelle didn't want b/c of his past Runway designer favorite... but I do like his answer to favorite color - Every Color)

Looking forward to an interesting season!!
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