Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Randomness - Late January/Early February Edition - including NEW RECIPE

I'd love to get these posts on a most consistent basis since I feel like I totally miss things when doing it so much later... probably should be a weekly thing after my weekend... but I digress

Here's some things I remember I did over the last couple of weeks.

  • At the end of January Dan and I (and a couple of his friends) went to Motorcycle Racing on Ice.  The video below shows what it's about (from a couple of years go)...
Pretty cool looking huh?  Well... there's not nearly as many crashes... probably should have realized that.  It was only $5 to get in - so really it wasn't a bust, plus I enjoyed doing something different around the city.  Try new things yall! 

  • After we went to the motorcycle races we went out on Mainstreet St. Charles - went to Trailhead first where we order a not very good appetizer... then we went next door to Millstream where Dan's buddy he hadn't seen in forever was... it was a pretty entertaining night!
  • The following weekend we went to roller derby again... this time my friend Michelle met us up there. It's a great time as always... but I think we'll have to miss the final bout of the season... aw nerts! She came and hung over at Dan's place for awhile afterwards but that's the night we got hit with that CRAZY snow so she left, although she probably should have stayed because the roads were pretty crazy here's a pic I took that night.
  • The next day was SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!  We went over to my cousin, Andy's house.  It's what I did last year too.  Let me pause for a moment and say how much I love Super Bowl... it's just a fun time to concentrate on a game, watch funny commercials and best of all - EAT PARTY FOOD - yum.  I made a couple of things (see below) We ended up staying over there until around midnight... I did end up calling in late on Monday to sleep in a bit and it was totally awesome!
  • As for food that I made (my cousin had an amazing spread!!) I made some chocolate chip cookie/brownie things - which came from a box, they were good but got trumped by some other excellent desserts including these chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips - yum!
  • I also tried a new recipe - Sausage Dip.  I asked Dan what he wanted and this is what he picked.  I had never heard of it.  It's super easy though!  Just cook some sausage (we got the spicy stuff in the tube thing near the breakfast sausage), a can of Rotel, and a brick of cream cheese.  I did end up adding about a half a brink more of cream cheese and a half more can of Rotel.  It was pretty yummy.  It was all gone by the end - so I'd say it's a pretty good recipe!  I love dips! I'm sorry I don't have a picture.
So that's what I've been up to the past couple of weeks - busy busy!

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