Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Number 3 - Fifty Shades of Grey

Yes... I know it's trendy but I just finished Fifty Shades of Grey
from NPR
(on a total side note, I was most of the way through this book before I realized that's a neck tie on the cover... I seriously couldn't figure out what it was, and even though it is reference in the book.  Finally it dawned on me... it was like the day I realized that the fancy D in Disney was a D and not just some goofy symbol)

Anyway... back to the matter at hand.  I recently finished Fifty Shades of Grey.  I had always heard that it was like reading porn... and in some ways it was exactly that.  At times it was awkward to read, but in the end I did enjoy it.  I kept wanting to figure out what was going to happen next. 

I know a lot of people think novels like this are like the death of literature...

and I do understand that point... but here's what I have to say... novels like this one have been around forever... when I was a shelver at the library we had racks and rack of those romance novels... so it's nothing new... this one just happens to be very popular, and not really sure why. 

I enjoyed the first book and have started on the second, although I seem to be reading that one a bit more slowly... maybe they just start out slow?  I actually started this book way back in July and just recently picked it back up when I needed a book to read at lunch and this one was already in my car.

I will say that this story is a bit far fetched, haha... I mean a very attractive millionaire paying attention to a seemingly normal girl and the sex is unbelievable... hard to believe my friend.  Whatever though, that's why we read books, to be a part of something that's not real.

I enjoyed it enough.

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