I actually decorated for Christmas weeks ago - but I've been a bad blogger... maybe that will be my New Year's Resolution... anyway, we have all 6 of our Christmas decorations up. I did it all by myself - Chad did help me carry up the Christmas tree. We only have one new item this year and that's our wonderful, sparkly, gold wreath.

Isn't it pretty? Last year my totally awesome wonderful Grandma got me this adorable Santa lamp.

I also have this awesome snow globe Chad got me a few years ago. This is actually the picture I took when I got it. It changes color and glitters - so much fun.

And finally here's the centerpiece of our holiday decorations - the Christmas Tree.

Sadly there weren't any Christmas presents underneath it yet (there are a ton now) You also can't tell that it's lit, but it is I'll take another picture later to prove it. Here are some of my favorite ornaments this year (seems like it changes from year to year)
First my new ornament that I bought with on a
work trip.

Yep, that's right, it's a robot!! Also above you can see our pickle. Do you have a pickle on your tree? If not you should!! Do you know the story behind the
Christmas pickle? So go out and get one if you don't have one. I didn't realize that people didn't know about it.
Here's the one that catches my eye every time I look at the tree - maybe because it's a eye level when I'm sitting on the couch - either way it's a skiing penguin.

You can also see in that picture our new Mark McGuire ornament Chad's mom got us. Chad didn't want to hang it up, but I'm over the whole Mark McGuire steroid thing...
I love the color and the glitter pattern on this one -

And finally I love the colors and circle glitter on this one. I also have this one in pink. I also love the black small one with silver glitter lines. I have a few of those on the tree as well.

So there you have it, Christmas time at our humble abode. Stay tuned for better tree pictures and of all the presents (there might even be one under there for you!)
Merry Christmas!!
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