Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First Book

Today I heard an interesting fact on NPR - one in four children's first book is a Dr. Seuss one.

It got me to thinking that I believe the first book I could read cover-to-cover was Green Eggs and Ham. I'm not positive if that's really true, but that's what sticks out in my mind as by first.

In our family, when we learned to read we got to pick out a special book. My special book was The Eleventh Hour by Graeme Base.

It was a beautiful book, with these amazing illustrations. The story was wonderful too. One of the charecters (I believe the elephant) is having a party and invites all of his animals friends. They participant is all of these party activities and when they get together for lunch - the entire feast has been eaten. Then the reader must figure out who ate the feast. You do so by re-reading the book and looking at all of the awesome pictures to see what charecter might have time to eat the feast. After you figure out your guess you can read the sealed solutions section to find the surprising answer. Once you know whodunit it is interesting to look back and see how the correct answer what there all along. This is a wonderfully memorable book. I actually want to find my copy and reread it. I really hope to share it with my kids if/when we have them.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Funny! I know my first book that I could read was Dr. Seuss's Go Dog Go. =-)