Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Home Improvements - Living Room Wall

We added something else to our living room set up. As you may recall we have already hung art of two of our walls. I had some items to hang on our third wall (we still have one blank wall, but we'll figure that out at some point...)

I got the items out that I wanted to hang on that wall and played around with them on the floor. I first came up with this arrangement.
But I didn't like that it was horizontal, horizontal, vertical, vertical. So I moved it around and got to this, which I liked a lot.
The next step was getting someone manly to help me hang them up on the wall... this is where my awesome husband steps in. And voila - it looks awesome

And here's a close up/explanation of what's on the wall

This is a photo print I bought from an arts and crafts fair in Soulard earlier this summer.
Next is this lovely painting I bought from the same guy I got the photo print from... I really enjoyed a lot of his work.
All of the shelves we registered for when we got married and they have been sitting in the basement gathering dust. Finally got them on the walls!! On this shelf you can see above in a silver piggy bank that came from The Container Store. Below you can see what sits on the top... A Golem and The Holy Infant - both were purchased in Prague.
I bought this print while I was in New Orleans. I got it at a gift shop, so it's nothing special. I frame this print and the print above myself. I bought the frames from Hobby Lobby during a 50% off sale - when you shop at hobby lobby you should always wait for a sale, everything will go on sale about once a month and it's usually sales like this 50% off.
Above that on the shelf is another New Orleans find. It's a 3-legged pig that I got at a VooDoo shop... it's suppose to bring good luck.
On the big shelf I have some salt and pepper shakers. On one side it says 'before' and depicts a pretty couple on their wedding day. And when you flip them to the 'after' side you get an unkempt couple (sorry this picture is so dark!!)
And finally above that is another canvas - this one was painted by yours truly. It was my first try at oil painting, and while I'm not completely sure I was doing it correctly, I love how it turned out.
I'm hoping to continue to add to these shelves... maybe more art as well, but right now I'm really digging the flow of the wall. One of my ideas is whenever I go on vacation I'll pick up a small figurine like the ones from Prague and New Orleans... For all of my work trips I get a magnet that I keep at work.

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