Friday, August 27, 2010

Home Improvements - Able to walk in the guest bedroom again

I can't believe I'm about to admit this to everyone... but our guest bedroom was AWFUL... seriously... you could open the door, but couldn't really walk past there.

We had a fair warning on the door...
This room has been the dumping ground for just about everything... don't believe me...

On my last AWS day, I started to tackle this beast of a room... and lucky for me Chad began to help. We ended up with about 6 garbage bags of clothes to donate.
And made other piles of 'like' items

After that we neatly put some stuff back in the room and other stuff when to the basement. The room is by NO means complete. I'd like to make this into a very pretty guest bedroom for all the guests we have (haha... more like the drunk-os spending the night.) But this major clean up/de-cluttering/getting rid of made this room so much more manageable. Want to see the after pictures?

How much better is it now? Like almost a million?? Stay tuned for more improvements to this room... oh one more thing about cleaning out this room... we found things we thought we had lost. I know for me, I found a brown cardigan I had looked every where for... and some tweezers I was wondering where they ended up... I felt so happy to get this started!!

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