This post is about my long weekend that was the one before last (September 16-20). Things got crazy and I'm just not able to go back. I'm not sure how much I'll remember, but better to write some things down about that awesome weekend than nothing at all... right?
I got off work on September 15th and picked up Dan and Simon and we headed out to celebrate. Dan got a new job offer and it was about time. We went to Flying Saucer for dinner and it was delightful. We had beer, good food and Simon was adorable as always.
Friday I picked up my sister with Simon and we went to lunch at King and I. We haven't been in awhile and it was so so good. Afterwards we headed back to her house and we painted the highchair and then Simon and I headed back home. I can't remember if we did anything that night or not.
This kid loves playing with the dog kennels |
Saturday, I don't remember much either, we spent the day at home and I think I did some shopping maybe...
Sunday after Simon's nap both of us left and met my mom and we went to pick up my brother. He came into town for a visit that coincided with Simon's birthday party. We had lunch at Crushed Red and then took a trip to the party store. We hung out at my mom's for awhile while Simon played and we watched some old home videos and then we headed back home.
Monday was a vacation day for me. We dropped Simon off at the sitters and then Dan and I had breakfast at Breakfast and Burger. I liked my meal. Afterwards we stopped by the library to get a couple of books for Dan. Then I dropped him off and went by the party store to order balloons. Then I headed over to my mom's and picked up my brother and sister so we could help Lindsey get a new phone. Afterwards we picked up Dan and checked out 4 Hands. Then we went over to Flying Saucer and had (late) lunch. We dropped them back off at mom's and then went and picked up Simon and had a nice quiet evening at home.
Tuesday aka SIMON'S FIRST BIRTHDAY! I got up with him and we ate breakfast and took monthly photos... which was a big PITA, but oh well they are done now. Then I put Simon down for a nap. I got a few things done around the house (this statement goes for pretty much any day for the last couple of weeks... party prep yo) After he woke up my mom, Lindsey and Keith came to pick us up. We spent Simon's birthday at the zoo. We saw the polar bear actually swimming. We touched some stingrays and sharks. One stingray even swam up and splashed Simon... he didn't like that so much. We had lunch and then saw the sea lions. Then we got to go behind the scenes at the primate house and feed grapes to lemurs. Lindsey told us all about all the animals. It's like getting all this behind the scenes knowledge. Then we checked out the orangutans and gorillas and chimps. We rode the train and finished at the children's zoo. It was super hot that day, but so fun to spend it all together.
Love this photo from the children's zoo |
Do I really have to wear this hat? |
Uncle Keith helping out |
Lunch! |
Phil statue is usually surrounded by people, we were able to grab a photo |
Baby Ginger |
Train Ride |
Playing in the children's zoo |
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