Weight: Not sure, his 12 month appointment is next Friday
Height: Again, not sure, will find out soon.
Medical Issues: This month brought Simon's first sickness. I think he might have caught something from my cousin's kid. Luckily for Simon he only really got a runny nose. Of course it effected sleep and we had to consistently use the nose sucker thing which he dislikes (hey I would too), but it could have been so much worse. I got hit by the cold much harder and was out of work for two days and I still have a cough from it. My voice also was quite effected... so thank goodness Simon didn't get the full brunt of it. I did end up calling the doctor, not because I thought he needed to go in, but hoping they could give me some advice to help with his runny nose. Other than that, dude has been very healthy. The minor things would be dry scalp and some diaper rash... which we really haven't experienced up until this point (have I ever mentioned how easy of a baby Simon is?)
Sleep: We've ridden quite the roller coaster this month in regards to sleep. At the beginning of the month Simon was still waking at night and would want some bottle before going back to sleep. There was a point after talking with Dan's sister that I was ready to do some sleep training with him. And we started that, then the cold happened and it just wasn't the right time. I think during the cold he was also teething so there were a couple of nights that were just terrible... he was crying non-stop for what felt like an hour and normal things we do at night were just not working. I even picked him up and rocked him once or twice which I never do (we stopped picking him up at night a few months back). It was a rough go and I decided that after the cold passed we would go back to the sleep training. And here's another testament of how easy Simon is... we haven't had to do sleep training. After the cold we left the bottle out but stopped using it. Then I didn't even get a bottle out before bedtime. We'd go replace his paci but that's it and that ended up only being once a night. Over the weekend we cut off the arms of one of his sleep sacks (one Dan's aunt made, not the nice ones) and he's done really well arms out too. Last night (which I know technically should go in a 13 month post if I continue this) he slept THE ENTIRE NIGHT. I just can't believe this kid.
Clothes/Diapers (size): He's in size 3 diapers and clothes mostly range from 9m to 12m. It's surprising what we can fit him in sometimes.
Diet: Simon loves to eat. I stopped buying baby food and we are on all "table" foods. Things we feed him often include eggs, yogurt, applesauce, cheese, crackers, puffs, pickles, toast, cottage cheese, fruits, veggies, cereal, meats, etc. We still have breast milk and in the last few days we've started adding whole milk to it to start that transition. So far that's going well too. He loves drinking out of his sippy. We give him water a lot, but sometimes Motts for Tots juice which is already watered down and I add even more water to it.
Baby Gear Love: Toys are a favorite right now, anything that Simon can spin, but we also play with things that roll, stack, put into a container... although lets face it his favorite things aren't toys at all, but remotes, phones, pulling things off the TV shelf, dropping things on the floor, and all that fun stuff. I'm not sure I've mentioned it but the Born Free bottles have been great. The Zipadee has worked wonderfully. We finally have a sippy that works well - it's Gerber. I'm a bit in a I love everything mood at the moment.
Milestones/Firsts: Simon isn't walking yet, but is very comfortable crawling and pulling up and moving around next to furniture. He will walk well with his walk behind toy. He has 6 teeth - 3 on top and 3 on bottom. He likes to crunch food with his teeth. We've taught him the stacking rings and waves a lot. He will kind of give high fives. He will point to my nose when I show him where to point and ask where is mommy's nose? First sickness of course. Simon babbles a bunch too. First trip to the pool with the family (me, Dan, Amanda, Lou, Vail, Amy and Tanner).
Likes: Eating, his parents, animals, toys, moving constantly, checking to see if gravity works, playing with doors, exploring, splashing, blowing, putting his mouth on things
Dislikes: Sitting still, being tired, stopping him from doing something he wants to do, being left alone in a room
Things I Don't Want to Forget: Simon walking with his push toy is awesome. He rarely falls and sometimes it looks like he will but then he catches himself. I wonder when he'll start actually walking?
Simon lately has been doing this cute thing on his actual birthday he had his binky in the stroller with him and it would be in front of him on the tray and he'd close his eyes and feel for it. Then yesterday with a new toy he got he was doing the same thing, closing his eyes and reaching into the toy to pull something out.
He's ticklish and his little laugh is so adorable. Behind his ears and along his sides is where he's most ticklish.
He's a bit nervous around new people to start off, but tends to warm up pretty well. Still loves me and Dan though. He will give us hugs and put his mouth on us too. He won't sleep on us though. He'll fall asleep at bedtime that way, but won't just get comfortable and nap on us.
Simon is happiest right after he's full from a meal. He'll get super cute and talkative. He will also start to throw his food on the floor... He doesn't mind his face being wiped and will sometimes play with the highchair (from the ground) rolling it back and forth.
Dan will play jumping with him and also sit him on the back part of the couch and let him lean forward and catch him. Dan will call him Ding Dong, Munchkie, and Baby Baba. Simon will also crawl down the length of our couch and mostly doesn't fall off (he hasn't fallen off but he's gotten close we always stand there with him). Simon is also creeping.
I've noticed toward the end of the month that Simon is more focused on stuff like we can roll things back and forth and he will stay focused for longer. Of course it's not really a long time, but relatively speaking.
Simon likes to play fetch with himself he will bounce or throw a toy a bit and go after it and do it again. He also like to slide and bang toys on the hardwood. He loves playing with the dogs kennels as well.
Simon will shake his head no but not yes. We will try to show him yes but then he shakes no. We love this kid so so much!
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