Monday, November 8, 2010

What to do?

Just last week Chad got notification at work that he would have to switch schedules. He has been working Friday - Monday from like 5:30am-4:30pm. That schedule brought on it's own challenges... we didn't have any weekend days together and we were working completely opposite schedules. We didn't have any days where we got to wake up together or spend all day together... but on the upside we had every night together... we got to watch TV and eat dinner. We've been making out way through the Lost series and we'd watch a few episodes each night... plus it's always nice sharing our days together.

But he's got to be flexible at work and last week someone quit unexpectedly and that shift needed to be covered and Chad came to the rescue. Now he's working 4:30pm-12:30am. So now we'll have the weekends together, and we'll be able to go out on weekend nights again since he doesn't have to get up at 4:30am anymore. But on the downside we won't see each other during the week... He'll leave for the work before I get home and I'll be in bed by the time he comes home.

It's really going to an adjustment. I'm not worried about getting through it... but really I'm not sure how to spend my evenings. So what should I do? I'll probably watch more TV that Chad normally wouldn't like. I'll probably work on my cross-stitch project... but what else can I do??

I am challenging myself to something. Eat at home every night (unless I have other dinner plans, like tomorrow when I'm going to dinner with my dad and brother.) Tonight I made myself pasta (I usually make myself pasta.) This time I changed it up. I cooked up some ground beef (add some garlic powder), pasta, and tomato sauce. I heated up a piece of garlic bread and prepared a salad. It was a pretty tasty meal.

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