How I'm feeling: More uncomfortable or pregnant all the time
Sleep: I do still sleep well, but there are times when I'm shifting, getting up to pee, or just laying there that my belly is uncomfortable. I get those kind of pains (kind of reminds me of trapped gas) at night, and by morning I feel better and it's not keeping me from sleep so I can't really complain.
Worries/Fears: Giving birth... I know a lot of women fear the pooping during delivery, that one doesn't phase me, the part that got me squirmy is knowing I get a catheter when you get an epidural... that really irks me for some reason... oh and plenty of other things that can/will happen during birth.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my belly and I'd say normal clothes... now it's all about covering this belly
Movement: seems to be moving all the time. I've been doing my kick counts (right before bed) and doesn't take long to feel the 10 kicks I should. I can see them from the outside quite a bit, but haven't caught it one video. I have been feeling more movement on my right side instead of my left.
Food cravings: All the sweets
Food aversions: Nada
Other symptoms: Heartburn has been happening a lot more... I really should carry TUMs with me. The pelvic pain I had a couple of weeks ago is back. I've been trying to sleep better with a pillow between my legs which I hope is helping again. (I was doing this all along but it would become askew in the night, so trying to be better about wedging it in). My face also broke out this week which makes me feel super attractive let me tell you.
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: No stretch marks, belly button seems to pop out a bit, shirts are becoming shorter
What I'm looking forward to: getting the nursery ready, finishing up my cross-stitch, shower is in a couple of weeks.
Best moment of this week: Dan got some things done which was nice including getting the crib home and putting it together!
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Of course they won't stay there |
It was a pretty low key weekend. Thursday I had a nice dinner with my mom and sister to catch up with her after being gone for so long. Friday I worked. After work came home and Dan made pulled pork. We had some people over. I hung in there as long as I could (10:45) until I was just worn out and ready to put my feet up. Saturday I cross-stitched in the morning. In the afternoon I went over to my aunt and uncle's house to celebrate my grandpa's 93rd birthday. Afterwards I came back to the house and Dan was hanging out with Caleb, I chatted with them awhile and then watched TV (special on Hurricane Katrina... which happened 10 years ago!) and went to bed early. Sunday we got breakfast, went by Home Depot and then I grocery shopped. I spent the rest of the day cross-stitching, doing laundry and baking cookies.
The Bump:
1 comment:
Girl. I'm not even pregnant and my face is so broken out. I had the guy at Walmart tell me that I should go see his wife who does facials for my acne. It was super embarrassing. And annoying.
Can't wait to see the nursery when it is all put together!
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