Appointment: I had an appointment on Wednesday. I got a growth ultrasound. I will say that with this cord defect that the benefit is I'm getting to see baby so often. Baby is growing right on track so that 2 vessel cord isn't effecting him... yet. Last time baby was measuring in the 46 percentile and this time we jumped up to the 68th percentile. They estimate baby weighs 3lbs 6 oz - that seems so substantial to me. Doctor said that if he continues to grow at the half a pound a week norm that we're looking at an 8 pound baby. I think I've mentioned before that I haven't been paying that close attention to my weight during this... meaning I'm not sure where I started, I don't weigh myself and really at any given time I couldn't really tell you how much I weigh... of course I actually do know what I weighed at this last appointment b/c they were training a new nurse person and she was painfully slow getting my weight so I was pretty much staring right at it for longer than normal. The doctor also mentioned that I've gained 22 pounds so far, and really that doesn't seem terrible. She told me that I passed my glucose test with flying colors however I've have sugar in my urine the last 3 times. Right now they aren't concerned about that but could be a sign of something more and we'll just have to see going forward. She said that a minor diet change could help with that... and understandable I'm craving ALL THE SWEETS... so might have something to do with that. I get these growth ultrasounds so often that they should have a good idea how baby is doing in there... more so than they'd normally have. Also, I scheduled all my appointments for probably the rest of my pregnancy. I start going every two weeks now, with ultrasounds every 4 (so every other appointment) until I hit 36 weeks. At that point I'll have a growth ultrasound, non-stress test and appointment at every other appointment when I start going weekly... That means every other week will just be a regular appointment... seems like I'll be at the office FOREVER for those appointment, especially if baby doesn't cooperate. It took awhile to schedule everything, but wow that was an eye opener.
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A baby smirk - ultrasound tech said this is the first time she's caught one of these |
How I'm feeling: I'm still not complaining, but definitely more uncomfortable.
Sleep: Is still good... of course I get up an pee (last night it was 3 times... normally it's 1-2). Also rolling over is exhausting... The last few days I've slept with an additional pillow between my legs... I'll get into more of that later. But I still sleep well, so really all minor stuff in the end.
Worries/Fears: Childcare, childbirth, what the heck I'll do with a child... the normal things... so same as always... remaining the same
Miss anything: Sleeping on my belly
Movement: Oh yeah... quite the strong ones at times too... sometimes there's like a total freak out in there where I feel and can see a bunch... and then it's done. That movement stuff is so fun.
Food cravings: Sweets... for sure... and I indulge more than I probably should... I'm trying to be better... not succeeding yet... haha
Food aversions: Nada
Other symptoms: The big one that popped up this week was the afternoon after my doctor's appointment (otherwise I would have asked) is my pelvic bone has started to ache when I stand up or sit down or roll over or walk... it's like the front part of my pelvic bone... I was feeling pretty terrible, but then I decided to try sleeping with more pillowing between my legs and that's helped... or it's how baby is sitting and has moved and helped or I'm getting used to it... it was really annoying the first couple of days, but seems to be less annoying... still there, but not that painful... also just feeling exhausted at times.
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: Susan gave me some additional clothes this week and feels like my wardrobe has grown which it's fun to change it up. I still just need to buy a package of big tshirts for around the house. I also noticed this week that my linea nigra is now showing all the way up to my rib cage... crazy.
What I'm looking forward to: Starting childbirth classes on Tuesday (this is both something I'm looking forward to and something I'm kind of scared of too haha).
Best moment of this week: Three day weekend! haha Thursday after work I went to Target and got some things and picked up dinner at Panda. Friday morning I got up early and hit up Walmart for some more things (which Walmart is annoying, they kept declining my card even though I KNOW it was their system not my card as it worked just fine the rest of the weekend - but the cashier kept looking at me like it was my fault... um no). I got some breakfast and then took a nap. That afternoon I cleaned up my bedroom including organizing jewelry and the new clothes I got. We met up with Amanda and Lou for dinner at Frankie G's and then ice cream at Oberweis (I've never actually eaten inside how fun). We finished the evening hanging out at our house for awhile.
Saturday I rented a carpet cleaner and spent time cleaning the bedroom's carpet which was just exhausting but nice to have done. I spent the rest of the day crossing stitching. Sunday I went with my mom and sister to visit my grandma. We went to Tom + Chee that specializes in Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup (um my favorite). I had a disappointing root beer float from Fritz's. It was nice seeing my grandma. I came home and did laundry. A productive but relaxing weekend. Ready for the next one already!
The Bump:
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