Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Birthday Recap

Yes... I have now officially been 30 for a whole week... and I survived!

I wanted to share all the amazing things that happened for my birthday.

It all started last Tuesday with a special dinner with my mom, sister and boyfriend.  We went to Quincy Street Bistro.  It was delicious.  Part of the reason we went to this place is when I was born my parents lived on a house on Quincy Street (in South City).  So of course my mom drove by the house and forced me out of the car to take a picture...

We drove around a bit more - looked at the Jenny tree - and then headed home for cake

My mom used her new stand mixer to make me this delicious lemon cake with homemade lemon butter cream icing and lemon curd filling - so yummy!!

On Wednesday I went to my final day of work for last week (took off on my birthday and normally off every Friday).  After work I went over to Michelle's house for our normal Survivor watch party.  She was so sweet and got me a birthday present - lip gloss/chapstick and Uganda Be Kidding Me by Chelsea Handler. 

She also got cupcakes from Jillys

Ugh - I just had this all typed out and deleted all my text from here down... grr stupid blogger...

Jilly's monthly cupcakes were Wonka themed for March.  I forgot the get the descriptions before they switched to may cupcakes - but the one on the left is the Veruca Salt and the one on the right I believe is the Willy Wonka.  The left one had peanut cake with caramel filling and the right one was funfetti cake with marshmallow filling.  They were both so good!  Although waaaay too much icing.  I'm not a huge butter cream icing fan, while it's good - there's too much.  I mean check out that picture below... the green and purple one had like two inches of icing - no thanks!

The Wonka one had an everlasting gobstopper on top which was just a gobstopper with nerds.
This brings us up to Thursday, my actual birthday.  I was treated to some lovely cards in the mail.  (not pictured the one Keith sent me since it came a couple days later)

I thought I'd throw this picture in too - it's one of the day I was born with my grandparents.  I was their first grandbaby.  And yes - I took a picture of a framed picture.
I was supposed to get my hair done, but that ended up not working out.  So instead I went to a couple of stores and bought a few things.  Then headed up to my dad's house.  My dad actually made birthday plans with me almost three months ago (so cute).  He got AMAZING tickets to the Blue's game.  First we went to Joe Bucks for food and then headed over to the game.  It was a fantastic game to go to as the Blues scored 5 and Oshie got a hat trick.  Since we were on the end with the net when people started throwing their hats  some didn't make it onto the ice and I ended up with a free hat!

Yes this was the actual view from our seats and sadly I didn't get my camera out fast enough to capture ALL the hats that were out there.
On Friday I started out by getting my hair done.  I was really ready for a change but I didn't want to cut everything off - so I decided color would be a better way to go.  I haven't had color in my hair in quite awhile.

Here's the before

And here's the after - much healthier and I've finally gotten used to looking in the mirror and seeing a different color :)
This picture was taken after Happy Hour and more drinking... so yeah... just throwing that out there

After hair I met up with Susan and we got our nails did.  It was quite the pampering day for me.  I got a manicure and pedicure.  I got pink glitter on each and I LOVE it!!
Taking good picture of your hands is tough
After our nails we went to Happy Hour at Patricks (formerly Pujols).  It's my happy hour place of choice.  Susan came along with Dan, Andy, Dave, his girlfriend, my dad and Janet.  It was a really fun time and I'm so happy so many people were able to join us.

Overall I had a wonderful birthday weekend - I'm so happy that so many people made it special for me.  Maybe being 30 won't be so bad... haha

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