Thursday, June 27, 2013

Weekend in Review - This will be Quick

Since I'm still not quite ready to blog-out something that's been going on... and this week has just been hectic, I'm finally getting around to blogging about the last weekend... just in time for the next weekend!

On Friday day I had a lovely eye doctor appointment.  I don't really love going there, but it's one of the easier doctor appointments.  I just hate the part where they puff crap into your eyes.  I always anticipate it coming and really have to try to keep my eye open... he had to do it two times for each eye b/c I was so bad at it.

The rest of Friday I spent a lot of time with my mom... it was really nice catching up with her and doing something.

On Friday night we met up with my cousin's Andy and Dave and went to Hotshots.  We had a good ol time... drinking beers (ok, I had a pitcher of Lime-A-Rita) and playing songs on the jukebox. 

On Saturday we hung around most of the day and then went over to my dad's house for dinner.  My step-sister Adriane was in town with her husband, Chad, and their kid, Charlie (although he goes to bed super early so didn't see much of him).  My other step-sister Rachel was there too as well as my step-brother Connor.  We were only missing Keith!

That family - there are 5 kids (me, Keith, Adriane, Rachel and Connor) and I am the only one left in St. Louis!  Keith is now in DC, Adriane in Chicago, Rachel in Des Moines, and Connor goes to school in Kirksville and has a summer internship in Kansas City. 

I brought a dessert where I cut up strawberries and added blueberries with a little bit of sugar (to Macerate them - mom taught me that word and now I like to use it).  Then I bought those shortcakes and whipped cream - it was a lovely summer dessert if I do say so myself)

On Sunday we didn't do much of anything and that was ok... nice to have a bit of a break!

Sorry no pictures this week... but hopefully I'll be better this coming weekend!

1 comment:

Christina said...

I hate the puff eye test! So much that I just can't and won't do it.

Also, you are such a tease with the whole "I have something really important to blog about but I'm not going to blog about it." :)