Thursday, May 8, 2014

Weekend In Review: Beautiful Weather

I'm a little late in getting this up because I started my new job this week - woohoo... maybe more on that another time.

The weather this past weekend was so extremely beautiful it would have been a crime not to spend it outside!

On Friday I hung around the house, did some chores... very exciting stuff.  When Dan got home we got some food.  I rented two movies from Redbox - Wolf of Wall Street and American Hustle.  Some friends of Dan ended up coming over so I watched Wolf of Wall Street which was awesome - I really did enjoy it.

On Saturday morning Dan worked some overtime at work so I watched American Hustle.  After he got home I made a grocery list and did the shopping.  When I got back we sat outside.  Dan cooked some hot dogs and some friends came over - Caleb, Michelle and later Ben.  We drank some beers and played washers.  I was amazed at how well I did at washers, I even got it in the center!  It was getting dark by the time we played, so I sorta blame my skillz on not really being able to aim well and thus just throwing better in general.

The weather was the perfect bit of warm and our tree has sprouted all it's leaves so it's nice and shady on our deck.  Overall, it was a wonderful Saturday!!

On Sunday I met my mom (and brought breakfast) and we went to the Lindbergh High School Flea Market.  It was fun looking at all the things there, although some things seemed more expensive than we wanted to pay.  She ended up buying some socks (they were brand new don't worry) and I got a cute little wooden reindeer for Christmas decoration for just 50 cents.

After our Flea Market experience we went and got some drinks at Sonic and then went to Home Depot where my mom wanted to get some new plants for her yard.  There are just so many amazing looking plants and flowers that I could want them all (you know if I didn't kill any plants that I try to grow...)

My mom got a bunch of nice things and she was nice enough to buy me 3 small Hostas. 

Next we went to Ace Hardware where she saw some big Hostas she wanted.  She ended up getting me a big Hosta plant too.

I headed home, but Dan was gone.  So I decided to just go for it and plant all my new Hostas and get the bird bath (that I took back from my mom's house) situated.  I wanted to plant them under our big tree in the backyard.  I also added the bird bath and hanging plant that my mom got me for housewarming.  I also used the tools she got me to plant the Hostas.  It turned out SO GOOD in my humble opinion.

A couple of notes about the pictures... one, I need to get the weeds on the outside of the little fenced in area pulled up (there were a bunch in the inside, but  I cleaned those up when I planted)

Also, that lovely dirt area around the tree?  Well, right now we are kind of embracing it because we don't know what else to do.  That area is very shaded most of the day... but also, the dogs will chase each other around the tree like over and over, so even if we found something that would grow in the shade, I'm not sure it would grow with them running over it all the time... so right now it is what it is.

I finished off Sunday by making dinner (a failed recipe sadly, I made beans and cornbread, but I made the beans with bacon instead of ham which I think made a difference... they were overall bland.  I added jalapenos to them which may have been their only redeeming quality... oh well you can't win them all!)

Overall, relaxing weekend where I accomplished some chores and beautiful weather.  Pretty perfect in my book!

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