Monday, April 16, 2012

You really like me

Getting back into the dating scene is strange.  Even though it's only been about five and a half years since I did it last - things have changed.  I can't imagine someone getting back into the scene after longer than that.  Facebook, texting, etc, all complicates things!

This entry really isn't about dating... but about something different.  I feel like my attitude in meeting guys is just different.  I remember a time when I was younger that I really conformed to the guy I was dating... I don't even really think that I was comfortable with myself... in my own skin.

I was still developing my personality... who was I? what did I like?  what didn't I like?  what would I tolerate?  what kind of guy was I attracted to? etc.

I mean, some of this stuff is ever changing... what I liked when I was 22 isn't completely the same as I am now at 28.  I feel like I'm really rambling... but the point is, now that I'm back out there in the dating world I just feel like I'm too old to be anybody other than myself 100%.

I am too old to pretend to be anyone other than myself.  To pretend I like things I don't to pretend I don't want certain things in my life.  I'm also way too lazy to lie.  Keeping up a lie is just super difficult and takes way more energy than just telling the truth.

So that's how I'm approaching this scene... I'm myself... I'm going to tell the truth.  I am confident in my own skin.  I like my style and I know that I like some dorky things.  I like sports but I also am girly.  I am who I am... but if you don't like me for that, then well, there's someone else out there for me.

I want someone that likes me for me.  I want someone that when they learn something new about me likes me more because of it.  I know I've talked with guys before that I uncover (so to speak) a new fact and suddenly I'm even more smitten (of course this can go the other way too!)

I know that some people fail at this stuff... but I'm trying really hard to be genuine to myself.

The other thing is I really wanted to be mostly okay with myself, my situation and being single before I set out on this venture.  Was I 100% there when I first started talking with guys?  No, but each day that passed the closer I was.  Now, I'm here, where I feel more like myself than I've been in awhile.  I am happy outside of my previous relationship and I'm in a place where I am good with moving forward.

Wow, I've really just rambled on there... I've just been giving a lot of thought to this recently.  Yes, there probably is more of a story about this whole dating thing, but dear blog readers you'll know everything all in due time.  I will leave you with one thing - I'm happy :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

Yay! Good for you!