Well, I missed a couple of months there didn't I?
I thought I'd record some random thoughts. And to make it not that daunting why not five random things about life lately?
- Simon and talking... it still isn't happening like it's supposed to be. The kid likes to babble and tell you things and man they are quite the stories... problem is he doesn't use any real words yet. I know I've brought it up before, but it's one of those things that does weigh on my mind because in so many other ways he's doing just perfectly. He's such a great child and so easy and fun to be around... but kid needs to start saying words. A couple weeks ago he learned the word 'up'. It was great and so fun to see him say 'up' with such distinction and authority... he used it soooo much after that... up, up, up, up, up. Sometimes saying it, we pick him up and then he immediately wants down - but progress! Of course now he's using up to signal any kind of directional move he wants to make.
He does good with the one sign language word he knows - 'more'. Makes me think I should have taught him more, but I've also heard that some kids just use those sign language words instead of talking as well. He understand us perfectly it seems, we can talk to him and know he knows what we mean. I can say go get the toy by Bella, and he'll go get the toy by Bella. You say key words like outside, highchair, dinner, breakfast, drink, cup, etc etc etc and he knows what you mean - so that part is all good! I'm just excited to hear him use more words! I'm hoping for the light switch moment and the explosion of words... hopefully anytime now!
- Simon LOVES being outside. He gets so upset when we have to go in or we aren't staying outside (like the transfer from the house to the car). He loves to explore and pick up things and just be outside enjoying life. Everyday when we get home from work/sitters we let the dogs outside and we both join them outside. Since I was spending more time outside I've decided to try my hand at keeping some plants alive again. I'm trying to keep it small and just focus on keeping some alive b/c I have a terrible track record of killing plants. I got a cherry tomato plant (Simon is loving cherry tomatoes), a cucumber plant (same with cucs), a blueberry bush (added this later, couldn't help myself), a hanging flowering plant, a citronella plant (hey maybe it will keep the mosquitoes away... ha!), and wave petunias. I also bought a pitcher plant for inside. So far so good with my plants and it makes me want more since I'm outside checking on them nearly everyday. But of course this is the easy time of year when it's not blazing hot. I think it will be fun to pick veggies together and it's been fun watering them together. I'll throw this in here but every night when Dan gets home from work they have to go see the Jeep together... sometimes they drive it around but a lot of times Simon just sits in it, but they have to go see it!
- Simon was a bit of a mess about a month ago. He was still experiencing pretty bad allergies. Swollen, red eyes and a rash on his back. The rash had been there awhile but finally I called and made an appointment. It was an eczema breakout. They gave us a steroid cream and recommended some products to use. I bought what seems like the 27th cream in the house and new body wash and we've really been able to keep his eczema under control. He still has spots in some places, but on his back looks a million times better. We give him Zyrtec each day for allergies and now whatever was in the air bothering him must have gone away. Right before it cleared up we decided to make an allergist appointment for him. It's not until July since we are a new patient, but this way we'll be established there and will know better for next year. The allergist will also treat eczema so hopefully all around it will be a good move to get him in there.
- Other Simon traits that are adorable:
He'll hold my hand while walking and always wants me to hold it going down steps
He knows how to hug and kiss. His hugs are the best
He loves to wave hi and byebye. Sometimes when we are out in public he won't wave at people that want him too until we're walking away. But other times he waves at everyone whether they are looking or not.
When he does something he's proud of or we say good job (like putting block away) he claps and we clap. He gets soo happy
He loves all the animals and loves feeding the dogs
He loves sitting on my lap sometimes, and cuddling close
He'll line up toys while playing with them and building towers and throwing balls
Loves eating fruit, veggies and bread but not so much pasta... unless it's spaghetti
Loves bubbles but doesn't care for stickers
- The first thing everyone comments on about Simon is his curly hair. They love it, and how can you not? It gets pretty crazy sometimes, but those curls are just so cute! There's pieces of his hair that don't curl as much which makes me wonder if when we cut it if the curls will go away. But I don't plan to cut it yet, he's going to rock the wild look awhile longer.
Here's some random pictures!
Corn popping out front |
Simon and Vail |
Riding his car at Grandma's house |
By the pretty flowers we planted |
He loves to pull that chair around and sit and play |
Point out things at the Butterfly house |
Feeding a baby goat |
Puzzle time |
The yucky allergies |
Simon and bubbles and a dandelion |
Siblings and cousins on their mom's bench |
Easter at Eckerts |