Time keeps moving forward
Weight: At his six month doctor's appointment on April 1st he was 17lbs 4oz and by his cardiologist appointment on April 15th he was up to 17lbs 10oz.
Height: He's about 26.75in long
Medical Issues: He had his six month check up and that happened since the last post I'll just write it out here... he's doing good! At that point he hadn't been rolling over yet but sitting up pretty well on his own. The doctor said he wasn't too concerned about it that he was advanced with the sitting but maybe slightly behind with the rolling. He's gaining well and everything checked out! He did get 4 shots poor guy, but he handles them very well.
Also he went back to the cardiologist. He checked out well there too! He had an EKG and an echocardiogram (which is an ultrasound of his heart... it happened to be in the same room I went to when I was still pregnant and they did a ultrasound of his heart to see what the issue was.) The plan is we will finish up his medication we have and then stop giving him anymore. A few weeks after that we'll get a holter monitor from them which will record what he's heart is doing for 24 hours to make sure he's not going into anymore flutters. This is
should be fixed now, but lets keep thinking good thoughts it doesn't come back after he stops the medication. Simon did SO WELL at the doctor's office. He let them do the EKG and the ultrasound by just laying there and being chill. They were all very impressed!
Sleep: Oh sleep... We decided to make the transition from the Halo Sleep Sack (swaddle) to a ZipadeeZip suit. The ZDZ suit (my own abbreviation there!) still covers all but allows him to move his arms more freely but covers his hands so he's not scratching his face. This suit also allows him to roll himself and more freedom when he started rolling over in the night. The transition to more freedom at night was a bit rough with some more wake ups. He's still not sleeping through the night and needs us to come in to replace the paci a few times a night (I look forward to when he's able to do this himself!) but he also eats 1-2 times a night (only a couple of ounces each time). We probably should start trying to wean him off of that... but when you're tired and you know that's going to work it's hard to want to do it in that moment. We'll get there and so will he! He's going to bed between 6-7 most nights and waking up around 7-7:30 most mornings. He's getting two good naps at the sitters.
Clothes/Diapers (size): This hasn't changed much, but some brands of size 2 diapers just don't fit well but others still do. We are nearing the end of our stash of size 2s and then we'll probably move up to size 3. We have some of those, but then we'll probably actually have to start buying diapers haha. As for clothes... he can still fit into 3/6 and 6mo clothes. The 3mo stuff is getting tight.
Diet: By the end of the month Simon is eating two meals of solids each day. He takes around 20-25oz of milk each day as well. He really enjoys eating solids and I'm hoping to get him more interested in feeding himself some things. He doesn't seem to absolutely LOVE or HATE anything but eats it all. He gets oatmeal at every meal and then some type of puree. He's had green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potato, squash, apples, pears, bananas, and prunes. (I think that's all). I've given him Mum Mum crackers a couple of times that he seems to enjoy enough and I tried a puff, but he gagged on it which didn't sit well with me so I haven't tried it again.
Baby Gear Love: Simon loves toys at this point. His favorites are the simple connecting rings, the tiger top that sways and sings, the monkey toy that plays music when he hits it, anything he can put in his mouth, Sophie, Scout dog, the table toy, the monkey high chair toy... geez really he likes about anything you put in front of him... especially things that can go in his mouth. The jumparoo is a big hit these days and still likes his play mat.
Milestones/First: Folks we have a roller! Finally! But to back up Simon is doing everything out of order. He was sitting up mostly on his own first and then shortly after he started rolling back to belly and then finally belly to back. He's getting real good at it too - and at the sitting up. He just decided to do everything at once. He's been using the highchair at home now (we had been using the bumbo) and he's used a highchair out in public. I tried to give him a bath in the actual tub, but that experience didn't go the greatest as I swear I've seen people use the bumbo in the tub before so that was my plan. I filled up the tub and put the bumbo in and it started to float. So I thought - ok, with Simon's weight he'll weight it down... so I put him in there and NOPE still floating... haha. So I gave him a quick bath that way but haven't attempted it since. I tried to put him in a shopping cart for the first time... it didn't go great... while he can sit up fine he just seems so small in the shopping car seat and will slouch down and to the sides.
Likes: Sitting up, standing, bouncing in the jumparoo, rolling over, sticking out his tongue (and us sticking ours out to him), looking around, people giving him attention, tickles (his ticklish spots are on his neck back by his ears and his ribs, kicking, his paci, sticking EVERYTHING in his mouth (or trying at least), when I sing to him (I sing Old MacDonald and Wheels on the Bus fairly often), the dogs, he's such a happy little guy!
Dislikes: waking up without his paci, shots, being hungry or overly tired, and when I lay him down and he thinks I'm going to walk away
Things I Don't Want to Forget: When I'm super tired and I walk in his bedroom to try to calm him down or give him the paci and he smiles so big at me it's hard to be upset. Simon loves interacting with the dogs, he'll look at them and now reaches out when they come near to touch them, and gets so happy when Bella gives him kisses (she's the kind of dog that would never stop giving kisses). Right now I'm picking Simon up from the sitters (who we are still really happy with) and we come home and let the dogs out and feed them. Sometimes if the weather is nice we will join the dogs outside and I'll push Simon in the swing and then come in and feed them. I usually stand him between my legs while we get the dog food. Then I usually feed Simon dinner (which is some oatmeal, a veggie and sometimes a fruit too). Then Simon either plays in the jumparoo for awhile or we go straight into his bedroom to play on the floor until he gets tired. We'll play with different toys, sometimes read books, I'll lay with him and play - it's a lot of fun. Then I'll change his diaper, put him in his sleep suit and feed him a big bottle and rock him. I lay him down and he's usually right to sleep. He doesn't get a bath every night at this point, but every other the bath comes after eating dinner. Simon is such a happy baby especially in the mornings. Simon acts crazy sometimes for with his toys, like the excitement of it all is too much. He is still figuring out his hands - this month instead of holding his bottle during feedings he'd sit there and hit it a bunch - weirdo. He's getting more hair which is adorable and it's darker (not dark, but not blonde either). Simon loves his feet - they are entertaining! A lot of times when he wakes up either during the night or in the mornings we'll go in there and his feet will be sticking straight up in the air.