Where has this half year gone???
Weight: Don't know yet, but will update when he goes to his six month doctor appointment on April 1st
Height: Same thing with height - we'll know in about a week
Medical Issues: We have a healthy little guy on our hands. The only thing is the cradle cap/dry scalp/dry spots on his face. We have been using Aquaphor on it and it's been making a big difference.
Sleep: Oh sleep... It's not great, but it's not super either. He doesn't sleep through the night and we have to go in there a few times a night to replace the paci. We will also put his bunny on which helps him calm down back into sleep. I was giving him a big bottle in the middle of the night, but towards the end of the six months we were starting to cut down on that... don't want him to get used to a big meal in the middle of the night... we want him to NOT eat in the middle of the night :). He will go to sleep between 6-7 and will wake up pretty consistently around 7... In the mornings he will start to stir and babble to himself which is kind of cute. He doesn't normally want a bottle first thing in the morning which is similar to me at least... I don't eat first thing in the morning either. During the day he will take between 2 and 3 naps a day. He usually takes 2 naps at the sitters.
Clothes/Diapers (size): He will wear 3 to 6 month clothes and maybe a couple of 9 month clothes. 3 months is probably getting about to the point we need to retire. He's solidly in six months. I will say we hardly ever put him in sleepers... he's in onesies more often than not. As for diapers he's still in size 2... we have a fair amount of size 2 left, but I'm thinking he's not going to make it much longer in the size 2... but we're going to stretch it as long as we can.
Diet: I should really keep better track of how many ounces he drinks in a day... but atlas I don't... By my best calculations he's taking between 25-30oz of breast milk each day. The big news in the dietary category is we've started Simon on solids! I started him on oatmeal at night - about a tablespoon of that mixed with breast milk. It took him a couple of days to really figure it out, but then he was really liking it! A couple of weeks after giving him the oatmeal I started him on a vegetable - peas. Why peas? Well I like peas that was my logic. He liked it, but then right on his 6 month birthday we started carrots and he really likes carrots. It's so fun to hit this stage. Over the next month we'll increase his food and I'd like to start giving him some 'real' food too.
Baby Gear Love: Well Simon finally really loves toys, so that's been extra fun. We've also been using the bumbo for him to eat but also sit up. He also likes the jumparoo, even though the one we have isn't as cool at the one his sitter has. We've used the umbrella stroller a few times and that works out well. We also got him a swing for outside which he enjoys.
Milestones/Firsts: Simon is not rolling over yet... but hopefully soon. When you put him down for tummy time he can move himself, just not rolling over... usually inches himself in a circle. He can sit up for some stretches, but then he topples over. He's started on solids which I mentioned. He's playing with toys quite a bit which is fun. He also can hold his own bottle while eating. You have to help him sometimes, but he's able to do it. He also really found his feet this month loves looking at them and grabbing them. One of the best milestones - laughing - OMG melt my heart
Likes: Standing, sitting, putting things in his mouth, eating, reaching for toys, his parents, his grandparents and aunts and uncles, his pacifier
Dislikes: Waking up with no pacifier in his mouth, diaper changes in the middle of the night, laying down sometimes, being bored
Things I Don't Want to Forget: Simon LOVES to stand. Especially if he's standing above us (like if he's standing on my stomach while I'm laying back) makes him smile real big. He also loves things rubbing on his face - I think he's ticklish on his neck b/c it always makes him smile and laugh. He loves putting things in his mouth, his hands, his toys, anything! If we are holding his hand he'll want to put our hands in his mouth too. No signs of teeth yet, but I keep thinking it's going to happen at any time. Sometimes I think he'll sit up before he will roll over. For awhile I've been watching him eye his feet. It started off with him just looking at them, then reaching for them, and then grabbing them - it was fun to watch his little brain figure that out. The talking has picked up so much. He'll squeal with delight sometimes. It's also funny how quick babies can switch from being happy to sad back to happy... bipolar much? jk jk. We tried to break the swaddle, but we are weak... didn't happen. We took Simon to the science center and to an Omnimax show and he did GREAT. It was a 45 minute show about National Parks for my mom's birthday and he made it nearly the entire show before getting squirmy. He was mesmerized by the Omnimax - I wonder what he was really thinking about it. We also went to the St. Patrick's Day parade. One of the floats was giving out stuffed animals and the kid next to us was begging so much for it, but the guy walked up to Simon and gave it to him. Simon and Vail look so much alike, it's safe to say those Baker kids are related.