Well, the year is coming to an end, and I thought I would do a post on how I did accomplishing my New Years Resolution. I am so proud to say that the past two years I've been able to accomplish my resolutions. I've picked things I wanted to inprove on and something that was measurable.
In 2010 I choose to read more books. I set a goal of 25 books in a year, which I didn't quite accomplish - but I did get to 15 and felt very good about that.
This year I decided I want to blog more. I set a goal of 3 blog entries a week or 12 entries a month or 144 entries next year minimum.
Well, how did I do?? Let's first look at monthly stats. It's easy to look for my monthly stats and not the weekly ones...
January - 16
February - 12
March - 12
April - 11
May - 13
June - 13
July - 12
August - 12
September - 16
October - 13
November - 31
December - 15 (including this post)
Looking over those numbers, I hit the 12 post goal in every month except April, I guess that was a sorta slow month!
I wanted to write 144 posts throughout the year... and I achieved 176 posts... that means I wrote 32 more posts than I tried to do... that's pretty darn good, no? That's an average of one post every 2-3 days.
I'm going to digress for a second, the last few years I've done a year in review post talking about major things that happened each month. I have choosen not to that this year given the circumstances... I don't want to have to go back and remember a time where I was married and happy... it's just not the same, I experienced two different 'lifes' this year... so I'm choosing to not do it this year. I'll probably start doing it again next year...
So, you'll have to check back next year for my 2012 New Years Resolution... I haven't completely decided what I'm going to do yet... but you'll know soon enough!!
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