Monday, November 14, 2011

Explanation of Prints

When I was collecting ideas for prints for my list I ended up finding quite a few (20!), I just wasn't able to limit myself once I saw them.  There's some that are very similar but there's also ones that are very different.  So, just because I thought it would be fun for me (I do need blog entry topics too).  So here's some commentary on the prints on my list.

Print 1 -  I like the color and the interesting shapes.  I think it's cool that it's an actual print too

Print 2 - I love trees and I like the interesting colors in this print.  I like that the leaves are white

Print 3 - I think this one is sweet and while some people may find it sad, I think it's a bit uplifting and friendly.  Like I'm there for you kind of thing.

Print 4 - I like interesting paintings and the colors and the sheen on this paint just makes it different.

Print 5 - I like the orange color and all the circles.  I could look at this picture for a very long time

Print 6 - This is of a tree but very different than the norm.  I love the pink color but the angle and the tree branches are very interesting to look at.  I could imagine this going well with my other tree photo.

Print 7 - I think this is a really nice quote that would be good to see every day.

Print 8 - I love this tree... I think it's so sweet.  I love the background colors, and the two birds sitting together.  I love the sun and the spiral branch... swoon.

Print 9 - Well, I guess you can see my trend with trees, this little collection of trees could be really pretty in a wall in my future home.

Print 10 - This one you're probably thinking WTF... but I find it charming and different.  I think its sorta funny and all the mustaches are funny.

Print 11 - This one is a bit different as it's actually fabric.  But I think framed it would look better different and give a different texture to the wall.  Plus isn't that background awesome!

Print 12 - This one is really fun... are we surprised how many trees are up here... I really enjoy tree branches... I long the curves of the trunk with the sun and the swirl blue background... it's calming

Print 13 - Okay, speaking of calming, this one is very calming with those colors and the feel of water or dye or something.  I think it's interesting and could look at it for a long time.  That's what I like in artwork... things I could stare at forever.

Print 14 - I think this one is fun and reminds me of glitter or confetti... I like all the colors and how it could look like something different depending on my mood.

Print 15 - now the artist calls these angels, but I think of birds or fairies.  I just thinks it's interesting and different.

Print 16 - This one is just really pretty.  All the different colors and the tree and the moon.  I love the blues and oranges and the fact it spans 5 pictures.  It would make quite a statement on the wall.

Just realized the print 14 and 17 are the same, haha

Print 18 - love the colors of the leaves and the fact it looks like sponges... I like how the paint runs a bit and the great branches... so interesting.

Print 19 - I know this is a post card, but I could see this framed in a photo collage on the wall or in my red accented kitchen.

Print 20 - Here's just a nice artist skyline of St. Louis... even though the Arch isn't quite right in dimensions I like it.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Love 4 and 14. Those are some interesting picks!