Tuesday, November 29, 2011


One of the things that's been on my mind is my finances.  Since the separation, I am not completely in control over my money and my cash flow.  I also moved back home in order to pay off some debt (credit card and car loan) and save some money.

I was hoping that this whole process would go faster, but I know that no matter what it just takes some time to get things paid off.  I hope that after I get the credit card paid off I can go to a cash based system and not put anything on a credit card (unless there is some major emergency.)  The thing is paying it off is a slow process...

Getting the idea of my budget has been a bit of a new experience for me.  I am very numbers oriented (hey, I was an accounting major for a whole year in college) so I didn't think it would be too challenging.  But it's more difficult than I realized.  I am struggling with figuring out how much to put into savings, how big a payment to make, how much of a balance to keep in checking, etc etc etc.

I know that it will all come with time... especially since there are some circumstances/timing that's been a bit out of my control. For instance... I have to get my plates renewed and personal property and Christmas spending.... just things that I can't really avoid right now.  Also, my paycheck will change at the beginning of the year since I will no longer be covering his health insurance.  That should increase my paycheck a bit.  So I think that once the new years comes around I'll have a better idea of a budget.

I also decided that instead of saving and paying off debt, that I will concentrate on paying off the debt.  The debt has interest associated with it.  The quicker I can get rid of interest bearing payments the less I will spend over time.  I'm saving a bit each paycheck (not much) but at least it's something.

The other thing that will come up is this stupid divorce.  I am dreading having to pay for it, and as I already mentioned, I don't really feel like I should have to pay for it at all.  I think he should have to incur that cost.  I feel like it's just such a waste of money...

I make a New Years resolution each year, and I'm hoping that this year I can come up with a good one that will address paying off debt and saving money.

I want to be able to move out on my own again.  While living at home hasn't been that bad, I know that I need to get out and do my own thing.  I want to for sure get the credit card and car paid off before moving out.  I would also like to get some savings going - especially since when I do move out it will cost money for somethings I'll need that I just don't have (some furniture, cleaning supplies, random things...) not to mention I won't be able to mooch off the food and supplies at home.  I know that will be an adjustment and I would really like to be able to have some savings going.  Ideally, I would find a roommate, but I'm feeling like that might not happen... not ruling anything out, but realistic about the chances of it actually happening.

I don't feel like I've been smart with money in the past.  Like when I moved home from college and got an apartment before I had a job.  This is the time for me to do things right and get set in a budget.  I think there's a way for me to get that all done... but I'll have to work for it.  It's not something that just happens over night which is frustrating.  But I am really looking forward to the day where I pay off my credit card... and then a couple of months later when I pay off my car.  Those will be some good feelings!

I just need to get through December first!

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