Friday, August 23, 2013

Baby Blanket

The reason I haven't been reading as much this year is because I've been working on this...
That's a cross-stitch baby blanket.  Before my friend Susan got pregnant she asked me to make her one... but I really didn't think I would be able to get it finished.  I mean it took me over two years to complete the first one I did.  So when I first found out she was pregnant back in February I immediately ordered a new one to start on.  I didn't know at the time if she was having a boy or a girl, so I needed something that was gender neutral.  You'd think I had something for the alphabet considering both of the blankets I made were alphabet. (and you would be right).  This one is cute b/c the colors and it was less time consuming to complete b/c there's a lot of blocks of colors.

I can tell that I'm getting better at the cross-stitching thing in general.  Here are some things I did differently this time around with the blanket (which will probably be interesting to about zero people)
  1. I was better about not working ahead with color - so often when I do cross-stitches I want to do all of the same color - so I end up counting where the stitches will be and then end up messing up a bit part which is just annoying.  This is more important on counted cross-stitches - but also necessary here too.
  2. Even though the directions say to do all of one stitch first and then go back for the others - I didn't work that way.  Instead, I worked letter by letter completing each for all the stitches and then moving ahead.  That way when I got done I was actually done instead of having to go back and fill in all the other stitches.
  3. I can just tell I've gotten better at the satin stitches (the fill ins like in the water above the whale and nose of the lion) - experience does come in handy.
Another thing I find interesting about this blanket is I've taken it on so many trips - it's actually been in 10 states!!

Ready to see some more pictures?!?

First letter completed

My progress after the trip to DC to visit my brother

I love the elephant blowing hearts

Not sure why there's a cat on the J...

You can see the satin stitch in the left hand bottom corner
I also just had to sign it.  I worked so hard on it and feels good to just add something to say hey I did this for you.  So I stitched in a signature on the bottom right hand corner of the blanket.  I love that I added a heart where the O would be in Love.
I'm so happy with how it turned out.  I gave it to Susan for her birthday.  She loved it which made me even more happy.  I really thought she would appreciate the hard work I put into it and she really really did.  That means a lot to me.  Maybe making baby blankets for close friends and family will be my thing. 

When I first started I wanted to get an idea of how long something like this would take me.  I just do it in front of the TV to keep my hands and mind busy but never really keep track of how much time I really spend.  I didn't end up keeping up with my time recording but I wish I had.  I should start doing it for my new project, but probably won't.

Onto my next project - another Christmas Stocking.  Don't count on it being done before Christmas though!


dsdddwddgdd said...

such a labor of love. it is beautiful. what a great way to spend idle time!

Susan said...

SO beautiful! You are so talented, I could never do something like this. I love all the details and I'm sure the new baby will LOVE it too. Steven already tried to steal it! ha ha! Thanks again, friend!!