Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'm a homeowner!!

Ignore my horribly chipped nail polish

That's right.  Last Friday I became a homeowner.

I seriously can't believe it.

Kinda funny story - I went to get a cashier's check for closing and I was suppose to get $XXXX.71 but I'm not sure if I said it wrong or if the bank guy typed it wrong but the check was for $XXXX.17.  I only realized this about 10 minutes before closing time.  I called my agent and mortgage guy and they said they would work something out so I didn't have to worry about the 54 cents.  Quite the steal I got huh?

I really liked who I worked with through this process... and they said the same about me (hey I respond fast!).  If you ever need any recs - I'll let you know who I used.

While I was waiting for the money to be officially transferred I had lunch with my sister and then we went shopping at target for cleaning supplies.  I also may have gotten a maxi skirt.  Lindsey did some shopping as well. 

On Friday after I got the clear I showed my sister around and Michelle.

Then my mom came over after work and together we cleaned that place yo!  I cleaned both of the bathrooms, the stove, and the kitchen walls.  She cleaned the fridge and the cabinets.  Then together we swept and mopped all the floors (kitchen, bathrooms, and unfinished parts of the basement).  It was really nice having her help.

On Saturday Dan rented a uhaul and we got all of his stuff moved and all my stuff from my storage unit.  I still have to go back and sweep it out, but then I'm done with that place.  It's awesome to have my stuff back and not be paying to keep it somewhere.

I still have to get my stuff from my mom's house, but that's not too bad... hopefully we'll do that this weekend sometime (I still have to pack some things up).

We still need some furniture before it really looks put together, but it's getting there.  It's not as chaotic as when we first moved boxes on Saturday.

Dan has proven to be a huge asset... already doing some minor things here and there.  He's so smart and has a problem solving mind.  Plus he sprayed for wasps - so we know he's a keeper b/c who wants to do that?!?

Overall it's coming together slowly but surely.  The cats haven't moved yet, but that's mostly because we have to figure out a door solution.  We'll probably talk more about it tonight.  Hopefully they will be joining the family soon.


dsdddwddgdd said...

i heard the cats talking to each other last night and they said, "i wonder when we get to stay at our mommy's house"...........yep!...that's what they were saying....... :)

Susan said...

Congrats on owning your new house!!! So excited for you!