I think I'll really appreciate having these to look back on - need to snap a picture (side note did not happen), but in the mean time want to record what I've been feeling:
Also, I just wanted to write out a few things ahead of this. For one, I turned 8 weeks on Monday, March 9th... so a lot of this reflects the week between 7 and 8. I will be posting these later so in the timeline of writing things I still want to talk about the doctor appointment and stuff like that, so some of these posts may feel a bit jumbled looking back.
Another thing is while I was calling the baby Poppy to myself, Dan started referring to the baby with what he wants to name it Tyrannosaurus Rex or T-Rex for short. So he'll ask how's baby T-rex doing and it's adorable. I think that nickname for baby will stick.
How far along: 8 weeks
How I'm feeling: Good for the most part!
Sleep: I'm going to bed early... which to me is really early because I was already in bed by 9 most nights before I knew I was pregnant. Now I'm typically going to bed before 9. Of course with the hour change this past weekend that's been pushed back but even my first day back at work and getting up early I was in bed before 8:30... not falling asleep that fast but stretching out and getting ready.
Worries/Fears: Miscarriage... I just know how real that possibility can be and I just hope little baby keeps growing strong.
Miss anything: I missed being able to drink a bit this weekend, but really not that much. I expect I'll feel more strongly about that when the really nice outdoor drinking weather hits.
Movement: Nothing yet, but I look forward to it
Food cravings: Last night I really started to think about how amazing some Jelly Bellies would be... to the point I was thinking of a plan to get them ASAP...
Food aversions: Nothing specifically, but there are times when I know something does NOT sound good... thinking mostly heavy meals
Other symptoms: Just tightness or feeling in my belly... It's nothing that alarming or painful, but feeling stuff you don't normally feel is weird. I'm also moody a bit.
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: Nothing to report here
What I'm looking forward to: Getting to the point where I'm comfortable that this pregnancy is really happening, I mean yes, it's happening, but I guess that magic 2nd trimester feeling where I'm comfortable telling everyone and the risk of miscarriage goes down.
Best moment of this week: Telling more people. I told my mom and sister last Wednesday after the doctor appointment, then we told some friends over the weekend, then I told my Dad, stepmom and stepbrother, and finally some other friends... it's just exciting that everyone is so excited for us.
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