Tuesday, April 28, 2015

12 Weeks

Originally written: April 7, 2015

How far along:  12 weeks; size of a lime or small plum

How I'm feeling:  This has not been the greatest week for me... and a lot of that is because I was the sickest I've been in probably six years (right before I started working at the VA I caught something and I think this was on par with that...)  I felt myself coming down with something on Wednesday and I stayed sick clear through Sunday.  I decided to take Monday off work too (since I only missed one work day on Thursday) and I'm really happy I did.  I'm back at work on Tuesday, but this illness really kicked my butt... fever, sore throat, stuffy nose after a few days... just generally blah.  And since I'm pregnant I didn't feel like I could just take whatever to make myself feel better... Also, I'm just a baby when I'm sick.

Worries/Fears:  I wouldn't say a whole lot which I'm going to call a win...

Miss anything: I missed not being able to take the meds that would knock me out...

Movement:  Nothing yet... this probably won't change for quite awhile yet

Food cravings:  Nothing... meaning I did not crave food this week... eating was a chore that I knew I needed to do just so I could take Tylenol...

Food aversions: Um everything? :) Really I just wasn't in the mood to eat...

Other symptoms:  I threw up for the first time... last Monday I threw up a bit after getting grossed out by something and then I threw up a bunch on Wednesday... but I was getting sick so the Wednesday one could have been related to that.  I'm happy that was the extent of the stomach sick though!

Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button:  The good thing about being sick was sweats for a week!

What I'm looking forward to:  Feeling better and getting my appetite back... I've also started looking at nursery ideas, so that has me excited.  I'm also looking forward to my next doctor's appointment and then feeling like I can tell work.

Best moment of this week:  This is a tough one due to the death that was me.... so I'll say... Dan bringing me a smoothie... twice.

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