In the beginning of February I took another art class with my mom and her friend Jen. This is the same place I have blogged about before - the South Broadway Art Project. This time we took a class where we used paper pulp to create Mardi Gras inspired masks. (of course you didn't have to make Mardi Gras masks, but that's the colors had to choose from.) In this class we make paper using the screens and then used that paper to create masks. You can use the paper pulp kind of like play-dough and make really cool stuff. The teacher person had these awesome busts she made they were really cool. Anyway, here is my mask.
Then, that next week I had a primary care doctor's appointment. I've been scheduling a lot of appointments recently b/c this whole situation just seemed like a good time to take care of myself. So I headed there. I actually made this appointment months ago, and I kinda used it in my head as a way to really gauge my overall sadness with the potential it could be something more... like depression. Luckily, I have been feeling much better in that regard so, I'm pretty confident when I say I'm not depression, just have some sadness that is to be expecting going through a situation like this. I did have to get a blood test which we all know is not my favorite... but don't worry - I survived!!
Later that week I went to happy hour with a couple of friends on Main Street in St. Charles. I've never really went out on Main Street and it was a lot of fun. I did end up feeling kind of sick by the end of the night, but I honestly had a really good time going to happy hour and extending it to a bit of dancing at a club-like place.
Later that weekend I had some lunch with a couple of high school friends. It's always nice to catch up with them. We get together a few times a year.
That following week I had a fasting cholesterol test... my cholesterol has read high again... the first time it did was a couple of years ago, so they wanted me to have a fasting test. Of course I freaked about it, and ended up getting there and it was only a finger prick test... haha... all that freaking for something so simple! That test showed my bad cholesterol still high, but I'm just supposed to diet and exercise, so it must not be that out of control!
That Friday night I went out with Susan for a random night out. We went to 1904 Beerhouse (one of my faves) and then over to the tin can. It was just a nice night out.
Saturday, the 18th, I went to my first ever Mardi Gras. You would think living here in St. Louis I would have been before now, but that just wasn't the case. Liz invited me, so I went with her and had a pretty good time. I'm glad I finally got to experience what it was all about!
The last weekend of February was one of the annual events I look forward to each year - VA Trivia Night. While we didn't win like we did two and three years ago, we did come in third place - not too bad if I do say so myself. We had a ton of food and I made this super yummy dessert - it's like a peanut butter Captain Crunch rice kripie treat. So yummy, although next time I'll either increase the marshmallows or decrease the cereal.
Last weekend I had some drinks with Liz and Ken at an old 'hot spot'. I enjoyed being back in familiar territory. But of course we were all super tired, so we ended up calling it a nice fairly early, haha. That Saturday we had a awesome family dinner at Charlie Gitto's at Harrah's Casino. My aunt took us out on some credits she earned since she gambles there a lot. It was a really nice meal and it was nice having everyone there together. After dinner we hung out at my cousin's new apartment and played some Mario Party on the 64 - nostalgic!
Last Monday, the 5th, I had three... yes THREE cavities filled... ouch! My mouth was super numb and that was totally strange. I don't know what it is with me - I freak out at all medical procedures but when it comes to getting three shots in the mouth it's nothing! I'm happy to have those buggers filled, but my jaw was so sore for a week later. I have a totally wonky jaw and it makes times when I have to keep my mouth open for long periods of time really rough and annoying.
Finally, that brings us to this past weekend... Friday we celebrated my mom's birthday. We took her to the Fountain on Locust... it's so yummy. They have this special ice cream from the only dairy that ages it... SO GOOD. Afterwards we played board games. On Saturday during the day I went shopping with my mom, aunts and grandma for her birthday, that was a really nice day. Saturday night I went with Liz and Ken to a bar in Valley Park it was a blast. I had a really good time and enjoyed that bar a lot. I think we'll be headed back there soon.
That pretty much catches you up with my life. I know there are things I missed... and maybe a thing or two I omitted... but overall it was a good time had by all!
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