Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm alive!

Well, I'm going to try to type this post as the internet seems to be letting me actually post!

So where have I been?  It's been ages since I posted... and I'm going to tell you why!

Well, my laptop is broken.  I mean, it still works, but the power cord was all jacked up, and then about a month or so the tip of the power cord broke off... hmm.  So then I was able to get my hands on a new power cord, but the new one is all straight and and doesn't hit the spot it needs to since the internal part of the power thing is so jacked up.  So the new power cord doesn't charge my laptop... boo whoo whoo

Now, normally I would just blog at work.  Well, my Internet Explorer is not up to date - which I can't upgrade it and it won't load blogger properly, so that was not an option.  Could I blog on my iPhone or borrow my mom's computer to write posts (like I've been doing to do homework) sure, but I just haven't.

I've missed the blogosphere... so here I'm back and ready to start posting again.  I've missed you!


Christina said...

Glad to hear that you are still alive. :) I was starting to get concerned! You need to meet Gracie soon!

Emily said...

Glad you're back, I was wondering where you'd gone.