How far along: 32 weeks; weight of a jicama or head of lettuce. I'll say at the beginning I used to know how far along I was real fast but now the weeks seem to be blurring together and I know how much time I have left quicker than how far I've come along.
Appointment: I had my first "normal" appointment this week without an ultrasound or anything extra... went so much faster... imagine that. I have lost a pound since last appointment... how I'll never know, and I still do have sugar in my urine so she's pushing me to eat more protein so I'm trying... and will definitely eat some before my next appointment. The baby's heartbeat was high today (and by high I mean higher than it's been, but still way within the 'normal' range) at 160 bpm. I turned in my FMLA paperwork and mostly finished with all my other work-related paperwork for my leave and new baby just have to wait until closer to turn in, but it's ready to go!
How I'm feeling: I feel more and more pregnant all the time but overall good.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well, rolling over is such an event.
Worries/Fears: Giving birth... for sure... big one... but I will survive
Miss anything: Sleeping on my belly and bending over and twisting... also since I'm not drinking I get to drive everywhere... so I'm missing not being the DD or something?
Movement: Oh yeah, some quite strong jabs and times and the random lots of movement at once. I can see the movements on the outside at least once a day too. Also, pretty sure the baby has had the hiccups a few times now.
Food cravings: All the sweets
Food aversions: Nada
Other symptoms: Heartburn has been happening, I've noticed acne (or at least bumpy skin) on my neck/back which I haven't had in quite awhile before this pregnancy. I will feel leg cramps about to happen but with the trick of flexing my leg I've been able to avoid them turning into full blown Charlie horses... also RLS has been around... I wouldn't say some of this is symptoms from just this week, but I forget as I'm typing this up to mention some of this stuff... really in the end so far I think I've had a fairly easy pregnancy.
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: It's really amazing looking at my belly in the mirror, just crazy it's happening... I don't think it looks bad either.
What I'm looking forward to: Continuing to get things ready for baby... hopefully some major progress next weekend... need to get the crib home from the hospital though.
Best moment of this week: It was a pretty low key week... Thursday night I had dinner with Lindsey at The Melting Pot, which was delicious. We just had cheese, salad and chocolate and it was so so good.
Friday I had my doctor appointment then I mostly hung around the house. Dan went to a concert so I had the night to myself, I cross-stitched, made myself a giant cookie and just relaxed. Saturday was more hanging around the house. That night we went over to Nick and Jenny's for bbq which was nice. Sunday I went grocery shopping and cross-stitched more... see totally relaxing weekend.
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