Monday, May 11, 2015

17 Weeks

How far along:  17 weeks; size of a turnip

How I'm feeling:  I'm pretty good... tired after a long weekend (more on that later) but overall feeling good

Sleep:  Has been pretty good... there's some nights I toss and turn, but that's really nothing new.  Friday night (again more on that later) I slept on a pull out couch which made my back hurt a bit and last night my arm is really aching so that kept me up.  I can still sleep on my stomach for the most part and still getting up to pee most nights.

Worries/Fears:  Well this week I made the mistake of googling "when should I find infant care?" and things I read pretty much said now... so honestly I freaked out a bit about that, where is this baby going to go when I go back to work?!?  While I still don't know the answer to that I calmed myself a bit by talking to a couple of others that have kids and I think we are going to try to go to in home daycare and you can wait awhile longer to find those spots.  This whole issue will be a source of stress for me (in the back of my mind at least) until we have a solid plan.

Miss anything: Not really... there was a point at Connor's graduation where I thought man I wish I wasn't wearing this dress, but I powered through, and there's like a 95% chance I would have thought the same thing had I not been pregnant.

Movement:  Again, I think maybe I am feeling movements, but I'm not 100% sure.  I mean I really do think it is, but without really knowing what I'm feeling I just can't be sure.  There was a point last Friday where I was sitting at work and felt 3 little taps right in a row and it immediately brought tears to my eyes.  That seemed like the real deal... but again, who knows!

Food cravings:  No gotta have this RIGHT NOW cravings

Food aversions: Again, nothing specifically but some things sound better than others.

Other symptoms:  I've hit the pregnancy milestone of experiencing heartburn.  I've had it a couple of times at this point, and don't really know exactly what my triggers are.  I have been trying to sit straight up after dinner since I read that can help.

Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button:  I'm in maternity clothes for sure and not looking back.  The dress I wore (referenced above) to graduation wasn't maternity, but flowy.  Sadly it just started to feel really tight around the top of my stomach after wearing it most of the day.  After dinner I changed out of it for the drive home.

What I'm looking forward to: Right now I'm looking forward to my brother being in town, my sister's graduation and my doctor's appointment - all this week.

Best moment of this week: So many good moments this week!  Possibly really feeling the baby move was pretty amazing but so much more!  Friday I got to leave work a little early and I headed up to my dad's house.  We were driving up to for Connor's college graduation (from the school I went to).  I love these mini road trips b/c road trip food!  We got up to Moberly and checked into the hotel.  We all got ready and then headed up to Macon where Dad and Janet were dropping me off.  I met up with my college friend Christina.  We haven't seen each other in 7 years so it was really great to catch up.  I met her husband and we had an amazing dinner.  They took me back to the hotel afterwards. 
Me and Christina

Saturday was a long day, but nice.  We woke up and had breakfast at the hotel.  Then we headed up to Kirksville.  It was fun looking around the town and seeing what's changed since I was there (it'll be 10 years since I graduated next year... I feel old!).  We went to Walmart (um, tradition) and had lunch.  Then we drove around a bit more before parking and heading to the ceremony.  It was a crowded ceremony and lasted like 2.5 hours... but the speeches were good and the weather was overcast with a breeze so that was good.  Although part of the way through I did not feel good (thinking the dress) but I was able to power through!  After the ceremony we met up with Connor and took pictures.  Then we headed to Jeff City for dinner (this day had so very much driving).  We ate at a German restaurant that his dad's side of the family seemed to know real well.  It was a very nice dinner with so much food and wine for those who could partake.  I actually tried escargot for the first time!  I wasn't sure that I would but when it came out it smelled SO GOOD that I had to try it.  I've heard that it just tastes like butter and garlic and that was right on the money, I'm happy to have tried it.  They also had oysters, which I would have tried, but since I was pregnant and they are raw I didn't on that one... and I had tried snails, so give me some credit.  The food was good but so much and his dad ordered ahead of time so we didn't even get to pick out what we were eating.  The main dish was some kind of steak (which I went ahead and got medium well... since that whole undercooked meat thing) which a lot of mushroom sauce (pushed that to the side) and green beans, carrots, potatoes, and cauliflower... I mostly ate the sides.  It was a nice dinner but probably would have been even nicer if I wasn't pregnant :)  After dinner ended (we are talking 9:30) we headed back to St. Louis... I ended up driving my dad since some people were able to drink.  It wasn't a terrible drive.  I got him back to his house and then I headed home - finally making it shortly after midnight.  I was BEAT.  I slept like a rock that night.
All the graduates on the field

The fancy dinner setting and I guess my bump at the bottom

Even though it was overcast I got red on my nose, forearms and upper chest... could have been worse I suppose

Sunday we woke up early and went to brunch with Dan's family.  It was really nice to see everyone since it's been awhile for me with missing Easter.  It was a really nice brunch with some fun news.  We headed back home (we also saw where Lou and Amanda are going to build their new house).  I went home watched Amazing Race and then took a nap... again I was so tired.  I forced myself to get up, had Taco Bell for dinner, watched some TV and went back to bed. 

A very full weekend but really really nice all around.

Bump:  Last week I thought I had popped, but this weekend even more so!  I got a lot of comments from family on it too.  The top part of my stomach (right under my boobs) is feeling really hard and tight now too - like it's all filling out.  Crazy how that works!
Bathroom selfie again

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