How far along: 18 weeks; size of a sweet potato or bell pepper
Appointment update: I had an appointment last Friday. It went well. I got there a little late because I wasn't expecting there to be traffic on the highway mid-morning on Friday, but atlas there was (although I realized afterwards I could have just gone around it but how are you supposed to know that?!?) My doctor had to go to an emergency C-section (I actually heard her telling the staff that on my way out from leaving a urine sample) and saw a different doctor in the practice. It was a pretty short appointment, but went well. We talked about the genetic tests (Quad Screen) and I went ahead and got it done. Some people feel strongly one way or another about that, but I was pretty in the middle. The doctor made some good points to me (the reason I've heard not to do it was what would you do if it came back with something bad... you wouldn't terminate the pregnancy) which I think is a fair point, but it seemed like there was some conditions that they screen for that you actually CAN do something about while still pregnant. Plus they were already going to stab me with a needle for a different test (I originally had blood drawn for it at my first appointment but they used the wrong vial so they had to redo it) so I figured while they already had a needle in my arm might as well. Have I mentioned before my body doesn't like needles? haha. She also listened to the baby's heartbeat which is always fun. It took her a moment to find the heartbeat and in that process we heard a whoosh and she told me that was the baby moving around in there.
My next appointment is in June and that will be ultrasound time! It will be fun to see the baby looking like a baby instead of a blob. This is the time that we could find out the sex of the baby, but we (ok it's totally my thing) aren't going to find out and leave it as a surprise. I've had a lot of people ask me why like this is some sort of crazy decision (hey, to each your own right?!) But here are my reasons... the biggest reason is that's the way I've always pictured doing it. I've thought about that moment in the delivery room of 'It's a [fill in the blank]'! I like the anticipation of not knowing. Like waiting until Christmas morning to open presents. I know some people say you still get this feeling finding out early but really it's just how I've wanted to do things. I've also heard the I could never wait I'm too much of a planner... and to that I say I'm not planning any less than you are knowing. The only thing we'd be doing different if we knew was the temptation to buy cute gender specific clothes and we'd only have to pick one name instead of two. The nursery I have planned (and have pictured in my head for awhile) is gender neutral... all around this will just be more exciting. But all that aside if you want to hear a 'practical' reason for not finding out is showers you get practical items instead of people being swayed by all the cute baby clothes (I fall victim to this as well). While I can site other examples, I remember going to one shower specifically where seemingly everything she got was a frilly dress since she was having a girl...
Now all that being said we have to keep Dan reined in about this. He totally wants to find out and at one point even said I could go on not knowing and he could know - um NO that's not happening. Knowing Dan like I do, he'd either ruin it at some point b/c he's evil or he'd torment with knowledge b/c again, he's evil. So let's hope we get out of the ultrasound blissfully unaware of what sex is brewing in my belly.
How I'm feeling: As I told the doctor at my appointment I'd hardly know I was pregnant really. I'm feeling good... the honeymoon stage as they call it.
Sleep: Crazy dreams are happening again and I think I'm at the point that stomach sleeping isn't going to happen. I can still kinda do it but it's less comfortable and really modified. I've also had some arm pains, either in my forearm or shoulders/back area. There have been a couple of nights where this has kept me awake from the throbbing. Tylenol helps after awhile and I've used the heating pad semi-successfully.
Worries/Fears: I can get a little panicky if I think about how different my life is going to be by the end of the year. It's scary to know that this HUGE change is happening but don't really know how it's going to look and feel. I mean that's exciting too, but it can feel really big in the moment. It's also crossed my mind about what if we don't have a healthy baby and that thought is really scary. We'd deal with whatever we were thrown but that can feel really unsettling.
Miss anything: Not being pregnant? Haha I've woken up with that thought a few times since finding out I was. But more so than that I miss how I was able to sit in weird twisted positions... now I have to keep my midsection (and thus my body) more straight.
Movement: Again, maybe, but this week I've been leaning toward I've probably not been feeling movement. As I've said to a couple of people soon I'll know if I was feeling something or not.
Food cravings: Food is good, appetite is there and I'm hungry a lot more... but no real cravings.
Food aversions: None really...
Other symptoms: I wasn't exactly sure where to put this fact but when I'm downstairs my cats like sitting on me, and they keep trying to sit on my stomach. Pretty has pokey feet and Stitch likes to knead for awhile before laying down. Neither of those things feel good to me so I've been trying to not let them lay on my stomach (and since they are cats they just don't get the message like they are supposed to). But one day this week Pretty decided to leap off my stomach and that hurt. Now I'm even more paranoid about letting them anywhere near that area.
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: Maternity clothes for sure (I can still wear some of my dresses). No remarks on the other areas.
What I'm looking forward to: Three hours of Survivor on Wednesday night, Memorial Day weekend (that snuck up on me) and Dan switching back to days (not sure if it's been mentioned on here, but he's been working second shift for the last few weeks... he has to do rotations on that shift ends up being a couple of times a year)
Best moment of this week: This was a family filled week. Wednesday night I had dinner with my dad, Keith (he came into town!), Connor and Janet. We ate at Edgewood Bistro, it was good.
Thursday night we celebrated Mother's Day with my mom. We ordered Imos and I made a
Lemon Lime Poppy Seed Bundt Cake. We played board games and had a good time!
Friday I was off work and had my doctor's appointment then had a low-key night at home alone.
Saturday Lindsey graduated from college. It seems like no matter what graduation just makes the day feel long, and plus I didn't sleep well Friday night b/c of some shoulder pain. I spent time with Mom and Keith going out to get grandma and then getting to graduation an hour early (wanted to get handicapped seating for Grandma). This allowed us to score seats with backs, which even though they weren't the most comfortable, at least there was backs on the seats. Graduation was nice, but a little rowdy (or ethnic as we were saying). We took pictures and then headed to dinner at the Drunken Fish. Sure, I'm probably not supposed to eat sushi while pregnant, but guess what I'm a rebel. It was delicious. I got my favorite roll (Fried Philly Roll) and they have my absolute favorite dessert (essentially fried cheesecake). So good! I came home and was so tired, I forced myself to stay up and then went to bed at 9.
Family Pic |
Selfie before the ceremony, after I helped her put on her hat |
Walking across the stage |
Sunday Dan and I spent some time together which has been rare this month. We had lunch, went to Home Depot, Petco and grocery shopping. That night Dan smoked some chicken and I made sides. Very delicious.
Yummy dinner
Bump: It's there!
Bathroom selfie |