So I thought I'd put together a list of thoughts I've been having before I turn 30 **Originally this was going to be 30 thoughts before turning 30... but I don't have 30 thoughts... when I was struggling to get just 15 I knew there was no way I was getting to 30... but hey 15 is half of 30 so that's good right?
- While I know I'm only getting a year older it feels like so much more... the jump to 29 to 30 is like a big one. And it's a stupid reflective age - like where did I see myself by the time I was 30... and let me tell you it's not quite lining up there my friends.
- I'll just get this one out of the way real fast... a lot of my 'issues' I have is related to kids. Yes, I want to have them, but now that I'm almost 30 it's like WHEN?? And that only gives me like 10 more baby making years... and what if I can't get pregnant and all those scary kinds of questions that are related to the kid issue. I really don't want to talk too much about it because I already have with some people... but it's scary... yes there's plenty of time, but yeah, that thought is there...
- My boss told me that turning 30 was way tougher than any other milestone birthday... so if that's the case it's all downhill from here, right??
- Looking back my 20s have felt like a LOONG time... I mean I've come a long way in 10 years from a college student to owning a house and being all adult-like. So hopefully my 30s feel loong too, because I can tell you I'm not ready for 40s yet.
- I'm a homeowner by the time I'm 30 and I did it pretty much on my own - that's pretty awesome.
- Is when you hit 30 when you actually really become an adult?? Because I don't think I'm ready to be a full, real adult yet.
- I know a lot of stores say they card people who look under 30... that means I still hope I get carded for awhile at those type of places... I can't possibly look over 30 at this point... right??
- I still have my whole life (again) plus some before I'm retirement eligible... how's that for depressing?
- I'm happy I'm getting closer to 'older and wiser' than 'young and stupid'
- Wrestlemania turns 30 this year too...
- When you were younger it was like all the actors and actresses and sports dudes were older than me... and now we're getting to the point where they are younger than me (or around my age) how weird... although the Blues just signed a new guy who's 19... 19! He's just a kid!
- I didn't used to understand why people would freak out about turning an age... I get it now... I totally get it.
- I think I should have stopped getting zits by now... that's a teenage problem
- When I was born a tree started to grow at my parent's house. Somehow along the way it was deemed the 'Jenny Tree'. When my parents moved from that house they dug up the tree and replanted it at my Grandparents' house. My grandparents have since moved from there, but we drove past it last night. And my goodness that tree is so much bigger. As a kid it was a good climbing tree, but now those branches we used to climb up to are so high you couldn't climb that tree anymore... it was pretty amazing to see and think about.
- Can I just turn 29 again?
1 comment:
i love you, my 30 year old baby girl!
it was sure fun to see the jenny tree with you.
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