Friday, November 15, 2013

A story about my Grandpa

Ok, so I wrote these next three entries last week and was going to go home and post a picture with them... pictures I have on my laptop... but I'm lazy and haven't used my personal laptop since I moved out of my mom's house... so now you're getting them late and without pictures... I'm terrible I know!


My grandpa (mom's dad) passed away this month 12 years ago.  I loved my grandpa and I miss him... we all miss him. 

There's a lot of stories I could share about the wonderful person that was my Grandpa... but today I'll just share one simple, short story... one that I don't even totally remember myself - but special nonetheless.

I have freckles... not like some people have freckles but they are there let me tell you.  I guess when I was younger I didn't like them as much.  My grandpa told me they were angel kisses and the more that you have the more the angels like you.  How sweet is that?

I really do miss him... I think as I've gotten older we would have even more to talk and share about.

1 comment:

dsdddwddgdd said...

i shouldn't have read this at work; i'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. i LOVE that story!