Thursday, July 18, 2013

Weekend in Review - Strange Weekend

As always we'll start on Thursday night... which involved me, my mom and my sister doing some shopping... you see my friend from college just had a second baby, so we went out to get some gifts to send her.

I was happy because I found some adorable Levi's Overalls and shoes that looked like Chucks... shopping for babies is so much fun.  We had an unintentional monkey theme though, but there's lots of cute monkey stuff!!

I also send her other daughter a new big sister gift of a book - The Eleventh Hour.  I got it stuck in my head to send this particular book, because I wanted something special.  This book is special to me because I got it when I first learned out to read.  What I also really loved about this book is it involves an activity.  This is a book you could look at for hours and hours (shoot, when it arrived in the mail Lindsey looked at it for about an hour while waiting for dinner).  I love it and I really hope she loves it too.  It's a beautifully illustrated book as well.

We also went to HomeGoods where I got myself something... It was so darling and my mom convinced me just to get it since it was unique... not the greatest picture, but it's really cute.
so happy
Then we went to dinner... it was a really nice evening with some of my favorite gals.

On Friday... I was lazy most of the day, and it was amazing.  That night Dan, my mom and I went and looked at 4 hours (that's included in the number I told you about last post) so that was fun.  That night, we made some burgers on pretzel buns... totally delicious.

On Saturday, day, I didn't have much going on, but then we left to go visit with Dan's friend Kyle.  He was selling some art and photographs at a local car show.  The best part of the show was FREE concession, can you believe that?!?  I got a blue snow cone!

They were also going to show a movie (hence the white screen in the background) but we only stayed for an hour or so.  It was nice to see Kyle's photographs, he's pretty talented.

After that, we went to Dan's sister's house and headed downtown to see The Urge in a free concert at Soldier's Memorial.  We got down there early enough to see one of the opening bands.  We got pretty nice seats (we brought folding chairs.)
Great seats other than that tree...
We were happy to get there early to get these good seats and have a few $7 beers...

It was a great concert... The Urge is a popular St. Louis based band, they haven't played in awhile, but sounds like they are coming up with new music which is nice.

This is where the strange part comes in.  The concert was strange... I ran into a friend and the exchange was strange... and then on the way back to the car I passed right by my ex-husband.  We didn't talk, but it just felt strange (that whole, what do I do? what do I do? dilemma).  I haven't seen him since I moved out (which is two years ago in a couple of months... oh how times flies)

Just left me with a weird taste in my mouth about the night.. but really we had a good time and the weather was amazing!!  After the concert we went back to Dan's sister's place and hung out which was nice.

Sunday was just another low-key day with watching crappy movies on Netflix... one of which involved a witch cutting off a part of a guy's leg, cooking it and eating it in front of him while he watch... yuck.  Pair that with watching part of Sin City later in the day where the dude cuts off a chicks hand and eats it while she watches - luckily they don't show that in that movie... but two movies where they eat some one's body part in front of them is not fun.

How was everyone else's weekend?  Did you have any strange occurrences?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Those are some strange movies. Did you have weird dreams?