Wednesday night is Survivor night in our house. It's a night of the week that I really look forward to, I love watching Survivor with Chad... it's seriously one of the best parts of the week. This week we decided to get fast food to eat while watching Survivor... and I picked Burger King. I'm not sure if you've seen the ads, but BK has revamped their chicken tenders and I was excited to give them a try. We brought home our food and began watching Survivor, and about 45 minutes into the episode I started feeling funny... my stomach was hurting, but it wasn't hurting in a way I recognize. I just figured it would go away... I mean, normally my stomach aches do. I stayed up watching TV with Chad for an hour or so after Survivor, but then the ache was too much and told him I was going to lay down in bed. I kinda drifted off to sleep at this point but was woken up when Chad came to bed.
I believe I fell back asleep after that, but around 11:45 I woke up again... my stomach was killing me. I tried to sit up and try different positions to eleviate the pain. But then something told me I needed to go to the bathroom. So I went in there and before I knew it I was throwing up. Sooo gross. That's when I realized for the first time ever I had been food poisoned.
I was hoping after the first vomit session I would have gotten it all out - but atlas I got up every hour to hour and a half to use the bathroom in one form or another. Here's the part in the story which I wish I could share the gross disgusting details of that night... but i really don't think anyone would want to read it... I would love to share it, mostly b/c I'm a share everything sort of gal, but I really don't think most people would want to hear... so just know that it was a disgusting disgusting night!
Around four in the morning I came to the conclusion I should probably not go to work the next day. I was kind of bummed b/c we were throwing my co-worker a surprise baby shower that day... but I knew I shouldn't be too far from a bathroom... you know just in case. I got better throughout the day, but I wasn't myself. I made myself eat something and was able to eat three of the four items on the BRAT system (rice, applesauce and toast) I also managed to keep it down.
By Thursday night I was mostly feeling better, my stomach wasn't hurting as bad, but it was still... sensitive. But I started to feel other issues, namely fever symptoms. I was starting to get the hot and cold flashes. I took my temperate and it was at 100. At that point I decided to take a shower and some Advil PM and get into bed for good that night. I really think it was the right decision b/c I woke up feeling pretty good.
I've eaten a few things today, but mostly don't have a desire. I'm trying to remember to drink lots of fluids so I don't get dehydrated. But honestly, it kinda sucks. I never get sick... and I really never get throw up sick. I like barely know how to handle myself when I am.
Hopefully I'll continue to feel better and more like myself... but I think it's going to be awhile before I trust eating at Burger King again...
DUDE. I'm glad you are ok!
One time I had the stomach flu in college (senior year- I was living with Lauren in the apartments by D-Chi). I was literally pooping and puking my guts out all at once. Just a slight movement would make me hurl. So I get it. (The best part? Lauren's boyfriend/husband practically lived with us at the time...the next morning, he said that I kept him up all night because I was puking/running to the bathroom. Karma = him getting the stomach flu two days later.)
I like it that you said you were food poisoned. lol. I'm glad you're feeling better.
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