(I'm not as happy with these monthly photos as in the past, but I'm trying to let it go)
Weight: Unclear, but I'd say more than last month! He feels heavier all the time.
Height: Same... unknown, but I'm sure he's a little bit taller
Medical Issues: So far Simon is taking after his parents and staying pretty healthy. He will get stuff stuck in his throat (drool) and sound congested during that time, but once he coughs that goes away. He'll cough and sneeze sometimes (see I'm really grasping at the medical issues straws here). The only other thing I'll put here is he gets cradle cap/dry scalp pretty bad... we've been trying different things to get it to go away... but if that's the worse of stuff he has I'll say we are in pretty good shape.
Sleep: Oh sleep... I'll start off in full disclosure I hear horror stories of babies sleeping and Simon is not a horror story... I get that. Also, Dan and I trade off nights, so the idea would be that we get a good night's sleep every other night. I think we left off with Simon getting up just once a night for a bottle... and this month it seems he gets up more like 2 times a night for a bottle... it's not consistent but there have been several nights where that is the case. We keep trying new things in hopes it would be better like giving him a bigger bottle at bed time (he eats it all but I'm not sure if it really makes a difference or not) I've also tried to keep him up later so he'll sleep longer in the mornings. Dan is convinced that he hears me leave and then decided to scream... which is slightly funny for me, but I'm sure annoying for him. I'm not sure why he's getting up at that time every morning.*
We do have to get up and replace his paci too a few times a night and that's mostly pretty painless... I just look forward to him sleeping all night long, but that might not happen until we start solids. There's this silly bunny in there that my grandma wanted to get him for Christmas (she thought it was so cute and you pull a string and it plays music) and I thought it was silly when she bought it, but we actually use it and it works to get him back to sleep sometimes.
He is still being swaddled in the sleep sack... and the sleep sack is starting to get small... so we probably need to start the transition of him sleeping without it... but I don't look forward to that... he likes the swaddle.
He's going to bed around 7 each night and waking up around 7 each morning. He will wake up once or twice a night for a bottle. I'm debating starting to give him cereal or oatmeal at night to fill him up... but I'll discuss that more below.
Clothes/Diapers (size): We are in 3-6 month clothes (some are bigger on him than others) and still in size 2 diapers... and hopefully stay there for awhile as we have a lot of them stockpiled.
Diet: Simon takes about 30oz a day I'd say (I really should pay better attention to this). I mostly make 5oz bottles that more often than not he finishes them. I've been making a bigger bottle of 6.5-7oz at night which he finishes. I thought we would wait until closer to 6 months to start solids. But I've heard recently that maybe introducing foods earlier will help against allergies... I mean it's all really a guess huh? I've been thinking about trying cereal or oatmeal before bed to help fill him up and see if that helps him stay asleep better. I'm not really sure if he's ready to eat food yet - my gut tells me he isn't. Dan did try to feel him some applesauce (baby food) one night. I think it's possible he wanted the small jar... Simon spit most of it out. I'm both excited about getting him started on food and not looking forward to figuring this whole new thing out when we've got bottles so down pack. So I guess we will see what the next month brings!
Baby Gear Love: All the things we've mentioned before but I'd add he likes his jumparoo most of the time. And FINALLY plays with toys - yay! The paci is a must these days.
Simon made me a Valentine at the sitters |
Milestones/Firsts: By the end of the month he could almost roll over which felt really good. He also started to play with toys, batting at them, reaching for them. He can pull himself into a sitting and standing position with our help. He also had his first snow... which he didn't partake in at all. As I mentioned he tried some real food. He's laughing... kind of...
Likes: Kicking his legs, standing up, sitting up, looking around, when I kick his legs or move his arms, he likes his butt getting lifted up too, playing after work, snoozing during car rides, eating, his parents, his paci
Dislikes: Sometimes, randomly diaper changes and bottles (haven't figured that one out yet), being bored (hey just like his dad)
Things I Don't Want to Forget: After work we go into his room and play, do tummy time look at toys, sing songs, all that jazz, it's fun... I let the chore stuff wait until after he's asleep. He watches me when I'm around, which is so sweet. (I'm happy he will let other people hold him, but still pays attention to where I am). He likes to look around, a lot of people have commented on how he just observes the world.
He's getting really good at sitting and standing. While we are there for support he can balance in the sitting position for awhile before he topples over. He doesn't mind the dogs sniffing or licking him.
On days that I'm off I'm really bad about letting him nap on me. I don't really let him fall asleep on me at bedtime so our days off is cuddle time and I love it. I will sing songs to Simon and he enjoys it... we dance together too. I love when he smiles because he's just happy whether it's when we come to him in the middle of the night or when he's falling asleep in my arms or randomly. It's just so fun to watch him learn new things.
Simon is such a sweet baby - I'm so happy he's ours and I get to spend time with him every day!
On another note we decided to do a quick cousin photo shoot with the kids - turned out so cute even if the kids didn't really cooperate.
*Dan got a new job this past month and therefore our schedules have changed. I had been getting up with Simon in the morning, pumping, getting him ready, drop off at babysitters and then work at 7:30, but that's changed b/c now I have to pick him up instead, so Dan does the morning stuff and I pick him up. It's made my life easier as I only have to pump instead of pumping and tending Simon.