Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Simon: Four Months

Weight:  At his four month check up (a couple of days after his actual 4 month-a-versary) he weighed 14lbs 2.5oz.  This is in the 25th percentile.

Height:  Same check up measured him at 24.5inches... again 25th percentile.  His head however is in the 75th percentile... so big head?

Medical Issues:  Thankfully again he hasn't had any real medical issues.  He has started to get cradle cap.  His birth marks seem to be fading as well (I might be making this up, but to me...)

Sleep:  We really turned a corner with sleep.  The weekend before I went back to work (first week in January), I decided to cut out his 'dream feed' that was usually around 11.  The first night didn't go the greatest as he was up by 11:30 wanting to eat... and that made me nervous.  But the next night Sunday, the night before back to work it went a lot better.  He typically goes down for bed between 6:30 and 7 (sometimes earlier, not usually later) and wakes up around 2-3 to eat and then up for the (week)day by 6.  Sometimes he's already awake and then other mornings I wake him up.  He sometimes gets a little fussy at night, but luckily he loves his paci and we go pop it back in and he's settled again.  He's still sleeping in the sleep sack.  Also Dan and I trade off with his nighttime feeding so we do it every other night.  It's been working out very well so far. (Although I'll admit that I do get up more often than him to fix his paci)

Clothes/Diapers (size):  Right before he turned 4 months I switched him to size 2 diapers.  Could he still be in 1's? Yeah, probably and still is during the day until the baby sitter runs out... but I didn't want to commit to entire extra box so started in on our stash of size 2s.  As for clothes, by around 4 months he was no longer fitting well into the 0-3month stuff.  The things labeled 3 month still fit well as 6 month stuff is still a little on the big side.  3-6 month stuff fits well too for the most part... I really don't completely understand baby sizing so there's that too.

Diet:  The snacking continued into this month, but by the end Simon was back to eating full bottles more often than not.  I make his bottles with 5oz - a lot of times he just leaves a little bit.  There have been times when he's wanted even more.  He does spit up sometimes so that's something to watch out for.  I haven't completely figured out why he does sometimes and not others, since he, for instance, doesn't do it at night.  Maybe it's the moving around after he eats that does it?  Also, he isn't big on 'breakfast' - that bottle usually goes slow while the bottle in the middle of the night he sucks down like a starvin' marvin'.  Maybe that nighttime bottle will get pushed further back and eventually become the morning one?  Also, Simon used to be a noisy eater, like could hear him in the other room gulping down a bottle... now he's much quieter.  Right before Christmas (so I guess right around or shortly after he turned 3 months old) we switched him to level 2 nipples and that really sped up feeding time. 

Baby Gear Love:  We still use his rock and play, but not as much since I'm no longer home during the day.  We use his swing at times and he likes that some of the time.  He enjoys his play mat too.  As mentioned above the sleep sack works great and he loves his paci.  He got a ton of toys at Christmas and I look forward to when he really likes playing with them... hopefully soon he'll get into toys!

Milestones/Firsts:  We celebrated his first Christmas, and it was such a joy to have him around!  He's also started going to the babysitters.  That's going very well... right now he's her only baby (she has a son too, but he goes to kindergarten) so we know he's getting good attention there.  I'm happy that we have a situation that works as well as it does.  People can really make him smile now, which is so fun.  Simon really found his hands this month and he's been chewing on them quite a bit.  He also coos (talks) a bunch too.  Still no roll over, but hopefully soon on that.  Simon got some good cousin time in this month too.  I don't think he's quite aware of them yet.  To me it was like when we brought Quina to the bird store, you'd put her right up next to another bird and she'd act like there wasn't anything there... Simon next to his cousin Vail is like that... like not even really acknowledging the other baby.

Likes:  Eating his hands, sitting up, his pacifier, smiling, kicking his feet, surprisingly getting dressed/changed

Dislikes:  Being startled, the shots at the doctor's office, being overly tired or hungry.  He's been a relatively easy baby and there's only been a handful of times where we can't figure out what's wrong... it's usually he's hungry (hangry) or tired... or wants to sit up vs. laying back.

Things I Don't Want to Forget:  How he'll smile at us, or whatever... just so happy.  Simon also doesn't mind being held by others, but does know our voices well.  He really loves when you kick his legs for him or move his arms (he likes when I do patty cake or take his arms above his head and go yaaaaay!!!)  This is also the month where he started going to daycare.  In the days leading up to going back to work I was starting to dread it although not as much as I expected, but by Sunday night at bedtime I was really sad. I cried a bunch and of course cried on the way to drop him off (side note, the first week back Dan was working a schedule where he was able to help in the mornings which made the transition SO much easier).  Once I got over there and handed him over to the sitter I was sad, but I left feeling better and that day back at work and since have been going well.  I like my job and my coworkers and that's helped.  I know he's getting good care and I enjoy the adult interaction.  Plus it helps that he goes to others fairly easily and didn't ball his eyes out during the exchange... that could have easily changed everything.

Also, another about me and then will be back to him, I've now made it four months of exclusively pumping.  Simon has gotten all breast milk, I've been able to keep up with his bottles and still able to freeze some (the deep freeze is getting FULL... I need to rearrange it to fit more)

Simon likes to look around.  My mom bought him a hat with an owl on it and he kind of looks like an owl twisting his head around to look at different things.

His hands have been in his month a lot... it's like one day he found them and suddenly they are always in there.

He is not bothered by the dogs or bird even when they bark loud or scream.  Sometimes Simon's crying will cause Quina to make noise, which can be annoying with all the different sounds going on at once.

Simon, buddy, we love you so much.  You're such a joy and it's been fun figuring out this whole parenthood thing with you.